Inner Voice


My true lord what’s not in your home,
Everything is there in your place,
Whosoever pleases you, receives everything,
You are the only giver,
Nobody is beyond you,
Every other task without your name is false,
You forgive me for every mistake,
Yet I don’t remember you,
You gave me this beautiful
body of a human being,
As a human I was supposed
to sing your praises,
Yet I indulge in worldly pleasures,
I have become the biggest hypocrite,
Yet you are the biggest forgiver,
I wish you forgive me and many like me,
And bless this world burning with hatred,
My true lord what’s not in your home,
Everything is there in your place.

Supreet Singh Sodhi


Though we can no longer see them
They are always in our thoughts…
They are like shadows faded away
Leaving behind trails of smog
It is a sudden twitch..a curtain drawn aside
They bring pain or remembered delight
I feel it is a real treasure
That I really own….

Megha Jasrotia


She was crazy but no one ever talked
more reality than her,
She thought like a madman,
A born independent,
An original piece of human
She was alone but never lonely,
She had a beautiful face,
But talked beauty from soul.
Her mind had hope, abundant.
She loved lavishly,
Her heart was not chained to
anything or anyone but life.
She was a mature lover,
An animal of peace.
And had only one aim of life,
To enjoy life, of what it had to offer
in the time remaining to wonder.

Diksha Gupta


Walking though the way,
I heard somebody lay,
A poor bird there law
A word it could not say.
I twisted my back
And held my eyes upon a shock
Someone said.. There it lies
With dark, sad, helpless accusing eyes
There I was infront of the poor bird,
With wounded limbs it
could not utter a word
What happened to the bird,
Inquired my lips
Pointing towards the man
With the Gun.
Spoke my fingertips.
The bird is no more
The shroud of death it wore
It became a hunt because it was meek,
The world bears no place
For a person who is weak
The smartness has always survived.
But its the innocence,
Which needs to be revived
So what, if the bird could not utter a word,
Neither meek nor weak, was the Bird,
So why was it killed?
And why did the hunter have no guilt?

Anandhi Gandotra
Class X, DPS Jammu

Fear Of Exam

Whenever it comes
It comes with a bang
Ya, I am here to agree
I have fear of exams
If it wouldn’t have been for exam
There wouldn’t have been any term like cram
Till now exams have been cause of most of my sorrows
So I will do anything to stop it from ruining my tomorrow
Exams do nothing but create mess
Without it the world will become a better place
So I ask people to support my cause
And help me in rescuing the world from its vicious jaws
Remember if you want to lead a life without pain
Now is the time to eliminate exams.

Ayush Bhat
10th A
K V Nagrota