PDP, BJP should stop playing politics over KPs’ return: PCC

Excelsior Correspondent

PCC president GA Mir flanked by other party leaders waving to workers during convention at Anantnag on Sunday. —Excelsior/Sajad Dar
PCC president GA Mir flanked by other party leaders waving to workers during convention at Anantnag on Sunday. —Excelsior/Sajad Dar

SRINAGAR, Apr 12:  Describing Kashmiri Pandits as part and parcel of Kashmir society, Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) president, Ghulam Ahmed Mir today said that PDP and BJP should stop playing politics over return to their homes.
Addressing party convention at Khanabal,  in district Anantnag today, Mr Mir said on the issue of return of Kashmiri Pandits to Valley, both PDP and BJP are playing politics.
On the issue of separate townships for the KPs in Kashmir,  the PCC chief said if  both the parties are serious and sincere towards the community, they should stop playing politics and find amicable solution by taking the community members into confidence.
Mr Mir termed this move as very unfortunate and irresponsible and criticized both the parties for creating confusion among the minority and majority communities of  the State.    He alleged that both BJP and PDP are trying to gain political mileage to benefit themselves politically.
Terming Kashmiri Pandits as part and  parcel of  the Kashmir society, Mir said Congress Party has worked a lot on this subject and provided  them packages from time to time. “We really want them to return to Valley and we will always support their return to valley gracefully,” PCC chief maintained.
Mr Mir said that Congress is vibrant force in all the three regions of the State and it is more inspiring that party strength is increasing significantly, because we don’t believe in hollow slogans.
We believe in over all development of  the State and the people and all are aware of  it.  Terming the Congress party as an instrument of service to the people, he said we have always taken care of peoples’ interests and their development is among the top priorities of the Party.
The one-day Congress convention was held with the aim to get the feedback from the Party activists and exploring the strategy for moving ahead with the party agenda. It was presided over by PCC president. The party members put forth their view point with regard to the strategy  and role of the party to be played ahead.
Prominent among those who addressed the gathering included former PCC chief and Minister Peerzada Mohd Sayeed, senior Congress leader Mohd Anwar Bhat,  Hilal Ahmad Shah, Gulzar Ahmad Wani and Mohd Amin Bhat.