JPPF cautions Govt against nefarious designs of separatists

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 12: Jammu Province People’s Forum (JPPF) while cautioning Coalition Government urged it to take cognizance about the anger brewing due to burning problems in Jammu and be vigilant about nefarious design of separatist and secessionist forces active in the Valley conspiring under the standing hidden agenda to disrupt the ensuing Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra 2015 by creating disturbances under the garb of Kashmiri Pandits resettlement as per Central Government plan.
Addressing a meeting, Pavitar Singh Bhardwaj (Retired District and Sessions Judge) president of the Forum highlighted the burning problems Jammu is facing at the moment. Members expressed grave concern on the callous attitude of the Coalition Government and turning Nelson eye to the problems of transporters and local habitants of Nagrota, Katra, Udhampur and Jammu, who have been forced to pay exorbitant toll tax imposed by NHAI authorities. Levy of fresh Toll Tax, protests, dharnas, demonstrations and proposed Chakka Jam by transporters has created unrest and cause of concern for whole region. JPPF through a resolution urged the Coalition Government to awake and provide immediate redressal to public grievances else it is too late.  The anguish and anxiety amongst Jammu people for disparity in establishment of AIIMS in Kashmir at the cost of Jammu has already attained alarming pitch. Members questioned the fate of proposed upgradation of GMC, Hospital Jammu to level of AIIMS which seems to have already consigned to dust bin.
The settlement of KPs in separate clusters in the Valley has already caused hue and cry and law and order problem in Valley as JKLF and other separatists have a standing hidden agenda of ISI to disrupt Shri Amarnath Ji Yatra every year and always conspire to keep the pot boiling for discouraging pilgrims to pay their obeisance to Shri Baba Amarnath Ji.
The members expressed resentment on the unnecessary delay being caused to repair the damaged bridge on Niki Tawi due to floods rendering it unserviceable for public use causing great inconvenience to the public residing in the 45 big villages in the Island. JPPF demands immediate steps to put the bridge to service as early as possible.