Eradication of corruption

Any unlawful gain or any gain for which one is not entitled for is called corruption. Because of wide dimensions it has assumed, all efforts so far to root it out haven’t proved much useful. As a result not to speak of a common man even persons on red carpets have not been uninfluenced of this bad practice. In many departments, it is more or less legalised in the shape of commissions and gratifications for the works done. The system is so attractive and alluring that even most honest parents don’t feel otherwise if their sons join such departments. Wise is he who earns more, no matter how he earns such has become the attitude of the society.
Such persons not only fulfil aspirations of their family but they equally please their  superiors also. Dereliction of duty or execution of any illegal or immoral act also falls in periphery of corruption. Love, regards and sympathy have been replaced by extreme greed and wickedness to the extent that both rich and poor feel restless and unsatisfied from this malice. In the present scenario, spiritual empowerment cultivation of moral values and social awakening are very much needed as hardest of laws can only be enforced if a man fears from God and death.
Yours etc…
Keshwa Nand Sharma
Salehri (Sunder Bani)