Protests spark in Jammu against Masrat Alam, Geelani, Mufti

Protests sparked in this winter capital of the State today against Separatist leaders Masrat Alam and Syed Ali Shah Geelani and the Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.
Protestors representing various outfits, including Shiv Sena Hindustan, Shiv Sena Kesari, Bajrang Dal, Kranti Dal and Jammu and Kashmir Panthers Party, held demonstrations against Masrat Alam for waving Pakistani flags and raising pro-Pakistani slogans yesterday in Kashmir to welcome Hurriyat (G) Chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani, his visit to New Delhi.
The agitators demanded immediate arrest of Masrat and also blamed Mr Sayeed for backing the release of Separatist leader and not initiating any action against him for unlawful activities. They alleged that the Chief Minister is in hand in glove with the anti-national elements.
Meanwhile, the protestors burnt effigies of Masrat Alam, Geelani and also set ablaze Pakistani flags amid slogans. Masrat Alam was yesterday booked under Unlawful Activities Prevention Act for waving Pakistani Flag during a rally. (AGENCIES)