Parliament offers tributes to martyrs of freedom struggle

Parliament offered tributes to the martyrs of the Quit India Movement on its 70th anniversary today.
“It was 70 years ago on this day—August 9, 1942 — that Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India Movement to liberate our country from the shackles of foreign rule,” Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar said.
She said the Quit India Movement galvanised the entire nation to unitedly raise its voice for freedom and liberation.
“On this occasion, we pay our respectful homage to the Father of the Nation and to all martyrs who laid down their lives in the freedom struggle and re-dedicate ourselves to the high ideals for which they stood,” Kumar said.
The Rajya Sabha also paid homage to the martyrs of the freedom movement.
The Lok Sabha also remembered the victims of the nuclear bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 67 years ago.(PTI)