Indresh for clear cut policy against traitors

Excelsior Correspondent

RSS senior leader Indresh Kumar addressing a seminar at Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
RSS senior leader Indresh Kumar addressing a seminar at Jammu on Sunday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Apr 26: RSS senior leader & chief patron of Forum for Awareness of National Security (FANS) Indresh Kumar today said that a clear line should be drawn between the traitors and the nationalist people and a firm decision be taken that who among them deserve salutes and patronage.
Addressing a seminar on Dynamics of National Security, here he said that raising anti-India slogans and hoisting Pakistani flags can not be tolerated. Moreover these are also against the basic tenets of the religion of Islam. “Such elements should be booked and put behind the bars”, he said and added that law of the land must deal with them.
Indresh Kumar said that “terming a man who gets killed while trying to kill the innocent people as martyr is also against the basic tenants of Islam,” He also lashed out at the Kashmiri separatist leaders for opposing the proposal of a composite township for Kashmiri Pandits.
While reacting to Vatican for “giving lectures to India on secularism,” Indresh Kumar said “when they themselves do not practice the same in their own country, how they can give us lecture on secularism”.
Kavinder Gupta, Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly, who was the chief guest on the occasion, said that it is indeed unfortunate that today even after 67 years of independence we have to set up a Forum or organisation to discuss national security.
A number of prominent figures from the civil society and those associated with the Forum, including its National President Air Marshal ( Retd.) Dr. R.C. Bajpai, National Vice-President & J&K Chapter President Farooq Khan,Forum Vice President Justice (Retd.) Parmod Kohli, eminent Geologist Prof. G. M. Bhat, Major General (Retd.) Rajinder Singh Mehta, Retired DGP Ashok Bhan addressed separate sessions of the seminar and dwelt on the various factors posing threat to the national security and suggested different ways and means to have a solution.
They stressed on need to strengthen the anti-terrorism mechanism in the country and suggested that the Union Government must set up a separate “anti-terrorism ministry”.
“The Union Home Ministry is already overburdened and there is an immediate need to establish a full-fledged anti terrorism ministry in the country,” said Maj Gen Rajinder Singh Mehta. He said that India needs to stand firm on its nuclear doctrine of “no first use” of the nuclear assets, as such bombs were not meant for fighting war but as war deterrents.
Ashok Bhan advocated that in every State of the country a specialized anti-terrorism police station must be established and all the anti-terrorism agencies must work in synergy with that police station.
“The need is to set up a joint terrorism task force and establish an anti-terrorism police station in every State and other anti-terrorism agencies must work around it. All the agencies need to be brought under one umbrella,” he added.
speaking on the function, Ghulam Mohammad Bhat an eminent Geologist said that China controls a large part of water that flows into India from that country.
“As China continues to build dams on rivers like Brahmaputra it can lead to a large scale disaster in India and if the water flow stops from the river it could be a threat to national security as it would lead to mass migration,” Bhat added.
Farooq Khan, in his welcome address, spoke in details about the prime motive for setting up of such a Forum and briefed about its significance for the terrorism infested State like Jammu and Kashmir.
BJP State President & MP Jugal Kishore Sharma and Rajya Sabha MP Shamsher Singh Manhas also shared the dais.
Vote of thanks was presented by Forum National general secretary Jasbir Singh. Mementos as a token of respect were presented to the delegates from other states on the occasion.