Sat Sharma demands martyr status for Chamel Singh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Apr 26: In order to grant martyr status to Late Chamel Singh and giving suitable compensation to his family, BJP MLA Sat Sharma (CA) submitted a representation to the Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed through Principal Secretary to Chief Minister BB Vyas. The representation states that a martyr status be given to the Chamel Singh killed in Pak Jail and compensation to his family.
Pertinent to mention, Chamel Singh was beaten and murdered in Kot Lakhpath Jail of Lahore in January, 2013 under the same circumstances as Punjab’s Sarabjit Singh was murdered. The body was kept for two months in Pakistan. Vital organs of the body were removed before the dead body was handed over to the deceased’s family.
In a press statement issued, Sat Sharma (CA) said that it was a clear cut violation of Human Rights and none of the Pakistani prisoners have been given such a brutal treatment by our country as was done by Pakistani authorities with our fellow Indian.
He stated that it was a matter of appreciation when Punjab Government compensated the family of Sarabjit Singh with Rupees 1 crore and jobs to both his daughters whereas, nothing was done by previous State Government of Jammu and Kashmir regarding case of Chamel Singh.
He also stated that Chamel Singh was the sole bread earner of the family when he was caught by Pakistani soldiers. The family is not able to cope with their basic requirements and their life has become miserable and all the four sons of Chamel Singh are working in the fields of others as labourers.