Make SKEWPY popular

This has reference to the news item ‘SKEWPY right initiative to address unemployment’ DE Aug 7.
The Chief Minister Omar Abdullah may be to right when he says that SKEWPY is a right initiative to address unemployment in the State but it is equally true that this scheme is not so much more popular with unemployed youth of the State. This is because many of its  lacunas ‘have not been rectified so far. Besides, the scheme has not received the kind of publicity as it should have keeping in view the rising number of unemployed youth of the State. The youth in remote areas usually remain ignorant of these schemes. This is because the communication network in these areas is poor. There, they do not have access to internet, or  newspapers – the two powerful medium of the modern age. It is by chance that they come to know of these schemes. But what happens in reality is that they come to know  about these scheme when it is too late. Now, when we have Panchayati  Raj institutions functioning in the State, they can become excellent means of providing information about employment and welfare to people under their jurisdiction.
Yours etc….
Sunil Sharma