Fake certificates detected during interviews in Leh

Excelsior Correspondent
LEH, Apr 30: Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development-Subordinate Service Recruitment Board, Leh has detected several fake certificates during the interviews for various posts.
During the interviews for the Class-IV posts, the interviewing committee was shocked to stumble upon a huge number of fake certificates produced by some of the candidates that were affiliated to various boards/ institutions of different parts of the country.
District Magistrate, Saugat Biswas, who is the Chairman of the LAHD-SSRB, during the course of the interviews, inspected almost each and every certificate which appeared to be fake through the internet based verification systems of various boards.
On questioning, various candidates even agreed to have paid agents for obtaining such certificates. “Prima-facie it appears that many students who drop out of regular studies approach such well established nexus of touts and agents outside the State and obtain fake certificates of State Boards on hefty payments”, Mr Biswas said.
“We have sent the cases detected during the course of these interviews to the district police for further investigation. If needed we will approach the Police Department of other states to catch hold of such agents with a view to curbing this heinous practice”, he added.
District Magistrate has alerted the general public to refrain from such practices which would land them in serious trouble of imprisonment under the law. He also expressed the apprehension that such practice must be on with students of other districts of J&K.
“The recruitment agencies must be on an alert while appointing candidates. Certificate verification as well as Board verification has taken prime importance in this age of technological development when forgery of documents has become relatively easier and inexpensive”, he said.