KHC smells rat in GoI’s return formula

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Apr 30: Kashmiri Hindu Conference (KHC) in its meeting here today held under the leadership of its president M L Thusoo advocate expressed serious concern that the Government of India was itself making a mockery of return and rehabilitation issue of over seven lakh displaced Pandits from Valley by proposing the construction of 6000 transit accommodations.
Mr Thusoo in his address said that construction of 6000 transit accommodations was no alternative for a composite township and a betrayal and hands up policy of Government of India before the separatists. This fresh rehabilitation plan is a hanging sword for the Pandits who have to move from the pillar to post throughout their lives, he added.
He said the proposed plan prepared by MHA is a clear cut division for the internally displaced Hindus as the job seekers in the desperation have to make no choice but to proceed. The rest of the community members have been ditched who have been denied their fundamental rights, he added.
The KHC leaders asked the present dispensation at Centre to clarify their stand on permanent return and rehabilitation of Pandits in Valley.
The leaders expressed concern over re-opening of registration after 26 long years and it shows the Government is not clear over the issue. To provide relief to those who are staying in their respective homes is to open the doors for corruption on the name of migration.
The KPC demanded that the migrants who have returned to their homes and hearths need to be stuck off from the relief benefits.
The meeting among others was attended by P L Koul Budgami, K L Ganjoo, A K Sadhoo, M L Daftri, S N Raina, M L Koul, A K Koul, G L Koul and A K Bhat.