J-K Govt downplays separatists’ rally, woos tourists

AHMEDABAD, May 2: Jammu and Kashmir Government today sought to snub the separatists for holding a rally, wherein Pakistani flags were waived, and appealed to tourists to help restore normalcy in the State, with Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed describing tourism as an antidote to the atmosphere of uncertainty.

“Tourism fights against current. It is an anti-current against an atmosphere of uncertainty that has been created in J&K. Some people tried to create an uncertainty- like situation in J&K,” Sayeed said here while addressing an event which was organised by his Government for promotion of tourism.

The patriarch of PDP, which leads the coalition with BJP in the State, said “peace and solace” are gradually coming back there.

“Now, there is a need to change the perception (about J&K). There is a strong need of tourism…Need for you people (from rest of India) coming there. There is no danger,” Sayeed said in his bid to revive tourism in the militancy-affected State.

In his address, J&K Finance Minister Haseeb Drabu said people of India should participate in bringing normalcy to the State by increasing tourism in the Valley.

“You have to participate in the restoration of normalcy in J&K by increasing tourism. One flag somewhere or one rally somewhere does not affect anything. This is the vicious cycle. How do you convert this vicious cycle into a virtuous cycle, that is the job need to be done. Inflow of tourists is an indicator of normalcy,” Drabu said.

Sayeed and his minister were in Gujarat to meet tour- operators in the city to promote tourism in J&K.

Referring to the 90’s when militancy was at its peak in the Valley, Sayeed said the Amarnath pilgrimage continued even then.

“People say that (in J&K) forces are deployed everywhere. There is Army and police. Army is of course there to secure our borders. But, people should not feel that there is (presence of) excessive force there and J&K is like a prison. We should try to deploy very less-uniformed people at Srinagar airport so that people can feel a friendly atmosphere on arrival,” Sayeed said.

Seeking to promote the State as a whole, he said, “I am here not only to accomplish mission Kashmir, but to fulfil the mission Jammu, Mission Ladakh, also. You come to visit other regions of J&K. You people are our life-line,” he said to the gathering which comprised tour operators.

Pakistani flags were waived at yesterday’s rally addressed by Syed Ali Shah Geelani at Tral in south Kashmir where his supporters raised pro-Pakistan slogans.

Stressing the need to create a friendly atmosphere for tourists, Sayeed said Srinagar is being developed as a destination of heritage-tourism while the Centre is coming up with an international Yoga centre at Mantalai in Udhampur district of Jammu region.

He said his Government is trying to boost tourism as a major source of revenue as the State was badly hit by last year’s flash-flood tragedy.

Sayeed said though autumn is the best season to visit J&K, it can be visited anytime in year.

The CM is likely to visit Delhi tomorrow, where he will also hold discussions with tour and travel operators, in a bid to increase the flow of tourists to the picturesque State. (PTI)