Marital /Legalized rape

Marriages in India are one of the most pious communions of two people. Marriages are a mainstay in the social calendar of the whole community. Lavish preparations are done by the family to receive the groom and bride has to leave her “Babul-Ka-Ghar” and they lived happily forever. But marriage is an institution that also hides a lot of ugliness or darker side of our patriarchal society. There is a lot of debate on marital rape these days. What is marital rape? Marital rape is non-consensual sex in which the perpetrator is the victim’s spouse. Indian society is too parochial to accept that it happens. The controversy over the marital rape rose when the  statement was made  by Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary, who is a minister of State for home. I quote: “It is considered that the concept of marital rape, as understood internationally, cannot be suitably applied in the Indian context due to various factors, including level of education, illiteracy, poverty, myriad social customs and values, religious beliefs, mindset of the society to treat the marriage as a sacrament.” This kind of statement is appalling.  Does the act of “rape” require a debate? Rape is Rape. Marriage is not a licence to savagely force yourself upon your wife. She is there as an equal partner in a relationship, not husband’s property. Statistics shows 20% married men force their wives to have sex with them without their wish. I think the trauma actually may last longer for the marital rape victim because your trust is broken which leaves women physically, psychologically and emotionally shattered. Rape is Rape whether women is married or unmarried. If marriages are sacred and sacrosanct institutions then why to put animality in such a pure relationship. Why marital rape is not punishable under Indian Penal Code? Those sex maniacs should be punished. There is nothing sacred in an exploitative marriage. Why women are treated as liable asset? “Is rape legalized with marriage certificates?” I ask.
Yours etc…
Pragati Jasrotia
Research Scholar
University of Jammu