CAG unearths new scam

Surprising at it sounds the CAG has unearthed another scam in the State in which no less a person than the head of administration is allegedly involved. The case pertains to J&K Energy Development Agency (JAKEDA), which ordered purchase of solar home-lighting and solar lanterns worth an amount of 11.2 crore rupees despite clear instructions from the Minister for Science and Information Technology Department of cancelling the purchase order. Top bureaucracy in collusion with others, have grossly violated prescribed norms and instructions of the Minister, and with the purpose of garnering pecuniary benefits resorted to undermining the rules and regulations of purchase of materials through suspicious procedures. We had in one of our previous editorials brought this matter to the public notice. It seems that the administrative machinery is not willing to go deep into this fraud and bring the culprits to book. This is a fit case for investigation by the Vigilance Organization.
Our apprehension is that since top bureaucrats are involved in the scam, the entire bureaucratic fraternity will gang up to save the alleged culprit and put Governments efforts of eradicating corruption to naught. It will really be a sad day for the state if big officers, who are at the head of the administration of a department, are allowed to go scot free.