Need to build capacity for tackling disasters: Home secy

NEW DELHI, May 16: In the wake of the Nepal quakes, the Centre today stressed on the building of capacities of the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and State Disaster Response Forces (SDRFs) to effectively tackle natural and man- made disasters.

Inaugurating a conference here to review the status of preparedness for South-West Monsoon 2015, Union Home Secretary LC Goyal, noting that only 21 of the 29 states have set up SDRFs, said the Centre expects the remaining ones to establish such a force within a given timeframe.

He said that since the primary responsibility for disaster management rests with the state Governments, they should utilise the funds given to them by the 14th Finance Commission for this purpose.

The Centre has already sanctioned two more NDRF battalions in addition to the 10 existing ones in order that it may supplement the efforts of the state Governments for disaster response. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) is also providing technical support and logistics to the states, he added.

The annual conference was attended by relief commissioners and secretaries of the department of disaster management of the states and Union Territories.

Goyal said that the three ‘Cs’, or the three pillars, of disaster management were ‘Capacity, Coordination and Community’ participation and added that the role of civil society, including NGOs, has become critical in dealing with natural calamities.

He added that disaster management is a joint effort and preparedness for effective action becomes critical in the hour of crisis.

He asked Government and civil authorities, NGOs and people in general to join in what he said was real social service dedicated to the saving of human lives.

The Home Secretary said every warning issued by the Indian Meteorological Department, whether big or small, must be taken seriously.

Goyal said that the annual conference should be held twice a year. Every year, apart from this annual conference, another conference should be held in October/November to review/assess the work done in this field and take lessons and best practices for better management of different disasters.

Meanwhile, talking about the flood situation due to the Jhelum in Jammu and Kashmir and the Brahmaputra in Assam, Goyal said the problem cannot be tackled without periodic dredging of the rivers.

In his address, NDRF Director General OP Singh said that during the Nepal earthquake, the force’s capacity was proven as being second to none in terms of search and rescue methods and equipment in a situation where rescue teams from 34 countries were present. (PTI)