Jammu cries for “healing touch”

K B Jandial
Mufti Mohd Sayeed in his first stint as J&K Chief Minister had given a concept of “healing touch” which came to be the bulwark of the changed political narrative in Jammu and Kashmir during 2002-2005.  During militancy, the State had witnessed several gory carnages in hills and not much was done for long term rehabilitation of the victims’ families. But the Mufti delivered on “healing touch” and hundreds of such neglected families were given the rehabilitation package by him at special functions. Most of them were from Jammu region. Healing touch was synonym to Mufti Sayeed.


straight talk
When the Mufti again took over the reins of State administration after ten years, this time in alliance with BJP, most of his old-time fans were expecting similar innovative initiative from him that would have further endeared him to the people of all regions. No such thing happened even though expectations ran very high. Assessing him and his “north pole -south pole” dispensation, in a short duration of 75 days would be entirely unfair.  But his announcements, first-timer BJP ministers’ role and some of the Govt.’s major decisions do merit thoughtful analysis.
It may not be indicating a trend but it is perhaps for the first time that State’s winter and summer capitals organized bandh against the Govt., one on the last day of Durbar and the other on its opening. BJP had been organizing bandh against the state Govt. on the opening of the Durbar to protest against discrimination against Jammu. It is ironical that today BJP which is in the state Govt. faced similar protests including on its own turf.
Another thing that became obvious from two bandh – one against depriving Jammu of its legitimate demand for AIIMS, ( primarily against BJP) and the second  against the  delay in rehabilitation package to flood hit traders of Srinagar( primarily against PDP). Anger in both regions is brewing.
Srinagar bandh in a way questioned Mufti Govt.’s priority on political issues over the governance. People’s resentment indicate that they are more concerned with their rehabilitation after devastating floods than listening stereotyped anti-India speeches of S A Geelani or Masarat Alam who were permitted to hold rallies  as part of ” battle of ideas” strategy. The issue of rehabilitation should have taken precedence over political issues or even inviting Bollywood to Kashmir. Farooq Abdullah too had done in post 1996 tenure. Many films have been shot in beautiful locations of Kashmir and even won awards (Haider). Kashmir has witnessed phenomenal increase in tourists and amaranth pilgrims’ traffic in the recent past. While the police successfully stalled the plan of “Youth for Nation” to hoist Tricolor at Lal Chowk, several Pakistani flags appeared in Srinagar on Saturday. Rallies of Geelani and his likes and fluttering of Pak flags with pro- azadi and pro-Pak slogans run counter to tourism promotion as Indian tourists would not be enjoying such environment.
Despite being a union of two diverse ideologies, the coalition has not yet taken up any positive initiative to bring Kashmir and Jammu closer to each other. Both the regions and their respective leaders continue to be mainly guided by regional considerations. The gap between the regions is, in fact, widening if public reaction on issues like location of AIIMS, release of hard core anti-national elements, allowing rallies of separatists are of any indication.
At least people’s perception on “contentious” issues could have been mellowed down had the mandated party properly articulated with its own workers and sympathizers. Silence or cloak of secrecy will not help BJP. They must come clean on their core commitments. Why legal provisions cannot be made to facilitate issuance of Dogra certificate if it can help getting some jobs in army or security forces. Why children of West Pakistan DPs not allowed in competing in the central forces job rallies despite repeated assurances by BJP leaders? In a recent interview with Arnab Goswami on Times now  Arun Jaitley spoke about some expected “gains” for the nation from the alliance. BJP needs to articulate as to why it had put all the eggs in Mufti’s basket and then becoming silent partner to Kashmir centric agenda. In fact, BJP leaders and workers are as angry and critical of their own Govt. in private talk as the unaware common man.
Jammu region had given unprecedented mandate to Modi’s BJP for “achey din” which are nowhere to be seen till now. No discernible change is noticeable on the ground and not even in the pith and substance of the press statements (full of rhetoric like commitments to Jammu’s cause) and the related visuals on local TV channels and print media; same old projects, similar departmental reviews & inspections as before. Only the VIP has changed. A person suffers from the same old problems and faces the sloth and evasive administration, especially in respect of delivery of services.
The cat is out of the bag on AIIMS issue. Mufti confirmed in media interaction in Jammu on Friday that Agenda of Alliance provides AIIMS to Kashmir and IIT and IIM to Jammu. While BJP, whatever compulsions it had for “sacrificing” AIIMS, has taken patently wrong decision, the justification of the Mufti is also bizarre. Rejecting the popular demand of AIIMS in Jammu he said that “he treats J&K as one entity and it doesn’t matter where it is set up”.  Justifying Kashmir as better location, he said, “Srinagar is just half an hour away from Jammu by air and when NH widening project is completed, it would be four hours drive as against one hour flight to Delhi.” If this is the logic then the same yardstick applies if it is located in Jammu. How would he justify two medical institutes in one region and none in the other?
Who doesn’t know that the people of Jammu feel neither safe nor comfortable in visiting or living in Kashmir for obvious reasons whereas Jammu is not so for the people of Kashmir. On a larger issue would the Govt. tell how many of Jummuites have  houses or plots in Kashmir and how many Kashmiri Muslims have constructed properties or bought these in Jammu.  It would be an eye opener for everyone. The reality is that even Kashmiri Muslims feel comfortable to live in Jammu, some even more comfortable than their native places. And it is because of Jammu’s peaceful and friendly environment for everybody. Can anybody say so for Kashmir?
However, Nirmal Singh tried to keep hopes alive on AIIMS by sharing his meeting with PM Modi. He is hopeful of getting “better Medicare facilities in Jammu” from the centre.
Surprising all in Jammu, Mufti Sayeed announced shelving of Jammu’s artificial lake project after spending Rs.55 cr, saying that it is “not technically and economically viable”. Anticipating strong public reaction Dy. Chief Minister hurriedly told media that Uma Bharti is deputing a central team to suggest measures for removal of hurdles.  Does Jammu artificial lake go AIIMS way!
All required clearances were obtained before launching this ambitious project. IIT Delhi prepared its DPR and all concerned state and central agencies were consulted. According to Taj Mohi-ud-din who as Minister for I&FC had pushed the project with great fanfare, Central Water Commission had not only approved it but also released Rs. 25 cr for it. The 13th Finance Commission also provided Rs. 25 Cr. Can central funds be released without feasibility clearance? Some political leaders have started accusing the Govt. of “succumbing to the pressure of Pakistan”. It sounds absurd, as Indus Water Treaty doesn’t ban domestic use of water. After initial objections Pakistan was satisfied after site inspection. Why a project with full financial closure should be shelved without seeking credible impartial experts’ opinion? If some patent wrong has gone into the project, why not set up a high level commission enquire and fix responsibilities?
Thanks to global warming, temperature in Jammu has not yet become unbearable yet the power supply continues to be erratic. A small intensity wind or brief spell of rains is enough for disruption of power supply in Jammu. Unscheduled power-cuts and voltage fluctuation continue to be the order of the day. No one, from lineman to Chief Engineer, picks up the phone to register consumers’ complaints. There is no relief except change of guard.
Is anybody concerned about Jammu city roads? These roads reflect Govt.’s insensitivity. There is hardly any road in Jammu city which does not potholes or washed away stretches after 10 to 20 meters. The exit and entry road of Jammu Railways Station is awful. It is really a driving test for everyone to negotiate these stretches which is used by thousands of people every day. While Mufti Sayeed is leaving no stone unturned in attracting tourists to the state what impression do the lakhs of Vaishno Devi pilgrims carry home about our city roads. Now, Mufti Sayeed has announced allocation of Rs 50 cr for Jammu roads but when will these are put in shape? And quality of work is yet another issue.
The Govt. has not yet initiated any move for equitable jobs to all regions as BJP had been lashing at successive Govts. in the past on discrimination to Jammu in every sector including Govt. jobs. They always quoted figures to show poor representation to Jammu in the Secretariat in particular and the Govt. in general. Now BJP is in the Govt. and what steps they have initiated?
A question haunts everyone in Jammu, Is Jammu being taken for granted?