Army organizes medical cum vet camp

Excelsior Correspondent

A female doctor along with Army personnel during a medical camp at Drabgam in Pulwama district.
A female doctor along with Army personnel during a medical camp at Drabgam in Pulwama district.

PULWAMA, May 17: As a part of achieving the aim of “Tarraqqi Aur Salamati” Army today organized a mega medical cum vet camp at Drabgam.
The camp was conducted as a follow up to successful camp which was conducted on March 15 and had seen an overwhelming response from the locals. It was a popular demand from the local women folk that lady medical officer should also be available during the camp, which was ensured during the present event.
A joint team of Army and civil doctors comprising of 10 Medical Officers including surgeon, pediatric and medical specialists, veterinary doctor from Army and Pulwama district hospital with trained staff were made available under one roof to perform the free medical checkup of all the patients. Free medicines were also distributed to populace.
A total of 850 men, 645 women and 155 children patients were treated by the team of doctors. Also, more than 500 livestock from far flung areas were treated by the veterinary doctors.
Apart from the medical and veterinary check-up a youth guidance centre was also established at the venue to provide the youth all necessary info regarding career options and other activities such as horticulture, employment opportunities and banking sector.