Fake gurus

Religion is a complex social institution and is perhaps as old as the society itself. Religion is seen to exercise its influence on every aspect of culture. As such, religion cannot be conceived  of in isolation and has social, economic and political dimensions.
Our Indian society at present is passing through a take off stage of immature capitalism. In such a scenario, there is a general tendency to exploit any means to accumulate wealth and to invest it into acquiring means of production like land, factories,  real estates etc. Accumulation of all these assets is pre-requisite for a capitalistic mode of production.
Religion appears to be the main tool in contemporary society that is being used by the actors to exploit the sentiments of innocent people and amass wealth. This is evident from the incidents in which plethora of pseudoascetics have flooded the market, and have turned themselves into tycoons.
In the existing scenario, there is a dire need of mass awareness to enlighten general public to behave and believe in a rational way and to seek some alternative help to their maladies as the problems cannot be solved merely by believing in the preachings of these so called gurus. Electronic media can play a crucial role in persuading people to look at religion from a more rational and realistic approach.
Yours etc…
Ramesh K Raina (Wanpoh)