National Sanitation Week

This has reference to the National Sanitation Week being celebrated from Aug 7 – Aug 15. An advertisement in this paper into regard to Sanitation Week has enunciated several steps for maintaining health and hygiene. It a very welcome step that the Directorate of Health Services Jammu is educating  people about the importance of maintaining cleanliness in our life.
In this  context, it may be said that how ironical it is that people despite knowing that cleanliness is a way of life do not attach much importance to it. We may keep our houses, offices clean but hardly bother to keep our surroundings clean. The trash, waste that we collect inside our premises is dumped  outside- on the margins of lanes, and drains. Instead of disposing it scientifically, we handle it irresponsibly and let it become a source of nuisance. This not  only puts our environment in danger but also the stray animals and mangy dogs who scrabble in the dump for rotting  food.
Besides, the authorities who are responsible for keeping our streets clean remain insensitive to it. The staff deployed for this purpose sweep streets as per their whims and caprices. They sweepers hardly listen to the pleas of residents.
Besides, there are no dust bins in colonies. Wherever they are, they remain full to the brim to be emptied whenever the concerned people find time to do so.
We can live a healthy life only when there is a synergy between people and Government machinery.
Yours etc..
Nitin Aggarwal
Talab Tiloo