Involvement of children

The sight of young Kashmiri children hurling hand grenades at security forces in Sopore—shown on a TV Channel sometime back is quite disturbing.
Though children are at times seen participating in protest rallies in Kashmir, it is for the first time the involvement of Kashmiri children in such activities, has come into light.
This shows how far separatists can go to achieve their nefarious designs. For them this action does not constitute human right violation but a daring act on part of children  who should have bat and ball in their hands and not grenades.
Besides, it is a violation of the April 2004 UN Security Council resolution that ‘Strongly condemned the recruitment and use of child soldiers” which it added are ”in violation of international obligations”.
The involvement of children in such acts does not have only security implications but also social implications. Exposing children to violence anywhere in the world will only  create a violent society  which may threaten the very existence of this world.
Yours etc….
Tajinder Singh