Another water row

Old habits die hard. Pakistan cannot get out of the habit of negativism. Every time India has a project of harnessing the waters of its rivers, Pakistan cries foul. It rakes up an issue to feign water stealing by India and her design of starving Pakistan. Knowing that India duly notifies her proposed hydroelectric power generation projects to Pakistan before actually launching them as stipulated in the Indus Water Treaty between the two countries signed under the auspices of the World Bank, Pakistan does not fail to raise the bogey of India violating the treaty and calling in the World Bank representative for arbitration. These antics of Pakistan have been going on for quite some time and are now reaching the saturation point. The hydroelectric project with a capacity of 45 MW has been built near Alchi village in Leh district. In 2002, Pakistan requested India to provide details of the project. Pakistan claims India did not respond till December 2006 despite numerous reminders.

Legal battles between Pakistan and India over water rights have emerged as a key irritant in bilateral relations. India built the Baglihar Dam with a capacity of 450MW on the Chenab River after a neutral expert ruled in its favour. The question is why Pakistan every time obstructs India’s new hydroelectric power projects, and wants to refer complaints to outside agency. Does she not have the competence and courage of conviction to talk to the Indians directly? India has been strictly observing all the relevant clauses of Indus Water Treaty and has been following the system of keeping Pakistan informed about projects she intends to launch. It is somewhat inexplicable why Pakistan persists with her negative attitude and wants to play the obstructionist? These antics are not going to deter India to halt her agenda of legally harnessing the quantum of water allowed to her for generating hydroelectric power.