Inner Voice


Seven point nine Richter scale,
Left behind a woeful tale,
Coming with a dance of death,
Snatching away our breath,
Of thousands unawares,
Cries, shouts and tears,
What a force?
Full of ravages,
Marks thy course.
As thou break,
Beautiful images
Of concrete and mud
Toil of years,
Of man’s quest,
All shed tears
On thy unrest

Arjun Rana

Magical Tree

In my imaginary world,
I was a princess who was insane ,
As I always rested on the window pane.
When I saw the birds at a glance,
With them I also started to sing and dance.
One day, I saw a magical tree
which was very big,
Chocolates and ice-creams were hanging on it’s each twig.
I tried to climb the tree to taste delicious chocolates and ice-creams,
But I realized that I could get
them only in my dreams.
The tree was very big and tall,
And I was unable to climb it as I was very small.
Then I looked for someone who
could climb this big tree,
To get all the tempting and delicious
chocolates to me.
I shouted, ” is anyone here? is anyone here?”
But the place was isolated, no one was there.
Then I sat down and started crying,
As I didn’t get anything even after trying.
After sometime, who came to me was a fairy ,
Whose body’s colour was like that of a cherry.
She gave me all the things very
magically and easily,
After thanking her, I ate them
all very delightfully.

Sonakshi Raina,
K C Public School, Jammu

NATURE : A Wonder

Nature is just a Window away
This is what we all read and say.
But did you ever look out of the window ?
I think that’s not what should be told
For Lo and Behold !!!!!
There’s the nature a real wonder .
The wonder is in the bird’s flight,
Really speaking …a total delight .
The wonder is the tree’s that swing,
Yeah…when the breeze rings in.
The wonder is in the water’s flow,
Because of which the boat’s row.
The wonder is the nature itself,
Without any flaw or human help .
The wonder is when the wind blows ,
And the branches move
The wonder is when the insects fly ,
And the peacocks groove.
The wonder is seeing; the nectar
Being sucked ,
The wonder is pledging; flowers are
Not plucked
The wonder is when everyone smiles,
The wonder is when nature is by our side.
Nature is Almighty’s definition
No doubt a surreal creation.
Nature had always been our side,
Its we who ignored it and walked aside .
But now it’s time to stop and feel,
The nature’s well being and set it free.
When our greedy needs would surrender,
Surely nature would be an undisturbed wonder.
Yes Nature is truly a window Away ,
that’s what time would prove and say.

Muskaan Mahajan (Jammu)
Amity International School


Above the summer sea
Below the golden sky
Here comes my ferry
Calling the running tide….
Tossing the coin of sea and coastal wind
I remember
Because it is, where I started….
A sudden wind lashed
All the pains away
My sun has died
And could see the pleasant sky…
My stars were hidden behind
My moon was shy to come out
Of the merry face of seagull
For the windy day and the sea urchin laughing
I remain silent…
And I now feel to become a gypsy
For the endless sea until
My journey begins again….

Vibhassini Rawal
K C Public School