If modified, Muslims have no problem with Yoga: Madani

NEW DELHI, Jun 13:
Muslims have no problem with Yoga provided certain modifications are made to it, prominent Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind leader Maulana Mahmood Madani has said.

He, however, alleged that a concerted effort is being made to give a particular colour to yoga and “that is what is creating problems”.

“We Muslims have no problem with Yoga but there are certain words that need to be corrected. As a physical exercise and as a way of life, yoga has great benefits but it has been given a particular colour and that is not correct. Yoga should not be associated with any particular religion,” he told Rajat Sharma on India TV’s ‘Aap Ki Adalat’.

“If certain changes are made, then more and more people will start practicing yoga… And it may become a medium for uniting people in the country,” he said according to a press release issued by the channel.

Elaborating his reservations concerning ‘Surya Namaskar’, Madani said, “Considering sun as god is against the basic tenets of Islam. It should not be made a part of Government- organised functions.”

He said he had himself practiced Surya Namaskar for a long time as a physical exercise and if changes are made to it, then Muslims will have no reason to complain.

“There are changes that need to be made — remove shlokas, don’t insist on performing this (Surya Namaskar) while keeping your face towards sun and don’t make it compulsory for everybody,” he said as he welcomed Government’s clarification that Surya Namaskar won’t be a part of International Yoga Day events on June 21.

Madani also appreciated Union Ayush Minister Shripad Naik’s statement that Muslims can take Allah’s name in place of shlokas.

Commending Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement that Indian Muslims have lived for the country and will die for it, he said, “Two things are very important for Muslims, ‘imaan’ (faith) and nation. There is no doubt that Indian Muslims have lived for the country and will die for the country.” (PTI)