Industrial policy

Way back in 2004, the State had formulated its industrial policy and given it the time frame of ten years. It meant that the policy that had been formulated would be evaluated at the end of ten years and in accordance with the results obtained new industrial policy would be formulated. The new policy should have come up in March last. But it was deferred and has been given the new date line of July 1. 2015. However, as far as our information goes, no meaningful step has been taken by the concerned departments to formulate the contours for new industrial policy. The high level drafting committee has met only once so far. It is important for the business community of the State that new industrial policy is formulated without loss of time. The two Chambers of Commerce in the State and the entire business community is eagerly waiting for the new industrial policy because they are eager to know what concessions and incentives are there for expanding industrial enterprises in the State.