In conversation with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

The word yoga means different things to different people. Some say it is asanas, some believe it is the spiritual path and some talk about the health benefits. So what according to you is yoga?
Yoga is not just a physical exercise or asanas. Yoga is a complete science. It unites the body, mind , spirit and the universe. Yoga brings that much needed peace in every individual. It also makes a big difference in one’s behaviour, thought pattern and attitude. I would say yoga is almost indispensible. If you want to be sane, sensitive, sensible ,strong and intuitive you have to follow yoga.
Sometimes people talk about the mystic element of yoga? What is that mystic element?
If mysticism is explained it no longer remains mysticism. It is something to be experienced. Mysticism is something that keeps life alive and fills you with love and energy which lasts for lifetimes.
Is meditation a part of yoga?
Meditation is definitely a part of yoga. Yoga has to be meditative, else it will just become an exercise, gymnastics.
In the Bhagwad Geeta, Lord Krishna has said ‘Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam’. What does that mean?
This means ‘yoga is skill in action’. Yoga and skill are synonymous; if you are skillful it means somewhere you have followed the principle of yoga. And if you are doing yoga, pranayama, meditation, and following all the yama niyamas you will definitely acquire skill in your action.
What is that skill that makes a person a yogi?
The skill is to see how you keep your spirit uplifted, your energy not drained and yet your job gets done. This comes only by yoga. Usually when you do some work you tend to drain yourself. And by the time the fruit of action comes you are so exhausted that you are unable to enjoy it. So yoga is that skill which keeps your spirit alive, your energy high and yet brings you achievement.
How does one detach oneself from the result of an action?
When you have lot of enthusiasm and energy you are in the present moment. You take things as they come. You are not expecting something. Your action is an expression of joy rather than expecting joy out of a result.
You say yoga is not about exercise. This is a contrasting picture of yoga as the world knows it. So what is it all about?
No doubt, postures and exercises are part of yoga. But it should not be limited or misunderstood as just exercise. It is a holistic development, expression and connection of human life. Every baby is a yogi. A baby exhibits all the qualities of a yogi – its postures, breathing pattern, perceptual ability, sharpness and the ability to stay in the present moment.