Music in Life

Neeraj Dubey

According to Pluto, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” According to Ludwig Von, “Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman”. If man is the best creation of God then music is the best creation of man. It not only touches the heart but also manifests the implicit humanity & sensitivity which has separated man from animal. Music is a wonderful force which breaks all divisions of race, religion, caste & creed and can bring & establish international peace, love & brotherhood. Music is one of the greatest creations of human kind in the course of history. It is creativity in a pure and undiluted form & format. Music plays a vital role in our daily life. It is a way of expressing our feelings and emotions. Music is a way to escape life, which gives us relief in pain and helps us to reduce the stress of the daily routine. It helps us to calm down, and even excites us in a moment of joy. Moreover, it enriches the mind and gives us self-confidence. Music surrounds our lives at different moment, whether we hear it on the radio, on television, from our car and home stereos. Different kinds of music are appropriate for different occasions. We come across it in the mellifluous tunes of a classical concert or in the devotional strains of a bhajan, the wedding band or the reaper in the fields breaking into song to express the joys of life. Even warbling in the bathroom gives a happy start to the day. Music has a very powerful therapeutic effect on the human psyche. It has always been part of our association with specific emotions and those emotions themselves have given rise to great music. Music is my muse, my inspiration to live. No matter how I feel, there is always a certain song that I can relate to. Sometimes I find myself crying because of how much the lyrics to a song touch my heart. The feeling I get while listening to music is unexplainable. Music, to me, is the art of taking words and melodies and amorously putting them together that in turn from a masterpiece that appeals not only to the ear, but also to the heart. Music is an art that brings us both beauty & miracles. Ancient philosophers speculated that it’s the language of creation. Music moves us and lifts us up. Its ratios, rhythms, and harmonies can cause your spirit to soar. The present world is full of distractions & difficulties, obstacles & challenges, frustrations and tragedies that can scatter us inwardly & bring us down. But the world also provides antidotes, keys to the doors that our struggles may have locked, talismans of transformation that can restore us to our best and highest state. One of these gifts of creation is music.
Music is the key to creativity

World Music Day June 21

Music fuels the mind and thus fuels our creativity. A creative mind has the ability to make discoveries and create innovations. As part of my morning meditation ritual, I often sing & play music. One of my favorite chants is a mantra to Ma Saraswati – The Goddess of music, arts & science. In ancient India, yogis believed that one of the best ways to align our own creative nature with the creative force of the universe was to invoke the spirit of Ma Saraswati. Listening to instrumental music challenges one to listen and tell a story about what one hears. In the same sense, playing a musical instrument gives you the ability to tell the story without words. Both require maximum right brain usage which not only exercises ones creativity but also ones intellect. The strength of all the arts including writing, dance, and theater have the ability to create a similar effect.
Music is Soul: – There is an inner connection between music and the spirit. When language aspires to the transcendent, and the soul longs to break free of the gravitational pull of the earth, it modulates into song. According to Arnold Bennett, “Music is a language which the soul alone understands but which the soul can never translate.” Words are the language of the mind. Music is the language of the soul. The author conclude this article by saying, “We all build walls to shield ourselves from deep pain, guilt & shame. Music has a beautiful way of seeping through those walls to open the heart so a message of hope and healing can enter in.”