Udhampuri pens long poem Sailaab

O P Sharma

Name : Sailab (poetry in Urdu)
Author : Dr Jitendra Udhampuri
Publisher : Prem Prakashan
Year : 2015
Pages : 21
Price : Rs 50

Dr Jitendra Udhmpuri has yet again come out with a long Urdu poetic composition depicting the devastation caused due to last September’s flood, unseasonal rains in Jammu and Kashmir. The title of the book is rightly the Sailab, both of torrential rains as well as poet’s emotional expressions.
Dr. Udhampuri is a noted poet, scholar and critic. This poem is a unique as it is based on grapphic depiction of devastation caused by the last year’s floods in Jammu and Kashmir with huge damages to life and property. In the deluge, over 11000 houses were damaged in the Kashmir valley and nearly 300 lost their lives. Around 92,000 cattle also perished. It was a midnight knock at the door of thousands of sleeping people. The fury turned into a dooms day. Torrential rain and stormy weather resulted in hardships to the public, loss was unprecedented as some residential houses, heritage sites and even some graves got washed away. On September 7, 2014, the Srinagar city had lost its moorings, busy markets made deserted look, flood water made its entry in most roads, shops and the houses. Its people lost contact with each other and outside world.
The deluge wrecked havoc to the people in Kashmir in unprecedented ways, displacing thousands who were sheltered in camps and provided neccessory relief. The people of Srinagar had become refugees in their own city. Many received food donated by people of different parts of the country distributed by Indian Army, the Police and volunteers.
Erratic weather with spell of heavy rains ravaged the entire Jammu region. The people in all 10 districts were badly affected. The road net-work mostly in hilly areas suffered extensive damages. The entire village of `Suddal’ of district Reasi perished, many were buried alive, where even time stood mute witness to the tragedy. A bus carrying all the 62 Baraties (members of marriage party) was washed away in Nowshera. The huge loss to life and property was witnessed by the people of village Tanjar of Udhampur district. Dr Udhampuri’s emotional feeling burst into a long versification of the pains and agony of the nature’s wrath.
And he expressed the sorrows in poetic narration the entire sad tales of this tragedy.
The subject of the poem `Sailaab’ is self- explanatory and bears historical significance. Dr. Udhampuri’s poetic genius is best revealed in his lively description which gives a vivid picture of the man confronting with the furry. He paints the moments of sadness and disillusionment. Man’s inner and outer struggle is depicted vividly in this small Urdu book of poetry. The poem is remarkable for its diction, maturity of thought, expression, creative imagination and concern for the sufferers. With this he has earned a place for himself.
(Starline Syndicate Service)