Exiled KPs take out torch-light protest march on World Refugee Day

Excelsior Correspondent

Panun Kashmir activists taking out a protest march at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Panun Kashmir activists taking out a protest march at Jammu on Saturday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

NEW DELHI/JAMMU, June 20: Panun Kashmir, an organisation of “Internally Displaced” Kashmiri Pandits today observed the ‘World Refugee Day’, worldwide.
The day was observed by Kashmiri Pandit refugees at Jammu, Delhi, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Pune, Dehradun, Lucknow, Kolkata, etc. and overseas in USA , UK , Africa, etc. to draw the attention of the powers that be towards the human rights violation, ethnic cleansing and genocide of the community.
In NCR, Delhi, hundreds of IDP Kashmiri Hindus, including, women and children, assembled today at Jantar Mantar. A two minute silence was observed in memory of the victims of genocide and religious cleaning. The protesters marched towards PM’s residence/Rashtrapati Bhawan in a peaceful and orderly procession holding lighted torch lights / candles to demonstrate their plight and that “We Too Exist”. The protesters, wearing Panun Kashmir head-bands and T-shirts, and holding placards were shouting slogans demanding bringing perpetrators of heinous crimes committed against the minority Kashmiri Hindu community to justice, declaring exiled Kashmiri Pandits as “Internally Displaced Persons” as per UN conventions and creation of Homeland of ‘Panun Kashmir’ as a UT within Kashmir valley, to the north-east of river Vitasta as envisioned in ‘Margdarshan Resolution’ adopted by exiled Pandits way back in December 1991.
Among those who have supported the demand for creation of Panun Kashmir, within the Valley, and took part in today’s Kashmiri Hindu World Refugee Day protest march also included Dr. Subramanian Swami, former Cabinet Minister, M.S. Bitta, Chairman Anti-Terrorist front, Dr. Beni Prasad Aggarwal, former Ambassador, Pt. Mange Ram Sharma, Chairman World Brahmin Federation, Sandeep Marwah, a well-known film, Television and Media personality and founder of Noida Film City.
AIKS, Kashmiri Samiti Delhi, and KPC were among other KP organisations that took part in today’s protest held under the banner of Panun Kashmir in New Delhi.
On this occasion a memorandum was submitted by Panun Kashmir to PM and President of India highlighting their demands.
At Jammu a procession was taken out by the activists of PK led by Dr Ajay Chrungoo its chairman from press Club here. The protestors with banners and pal cards in their hands were demanding justice for over seven lakh exiled Pandits who have taken refuge in Jammu and other parts of India and abroad.
A signed memorandum by PK convener, Dr Agnishekhar and its chairman, Dr Ajay Chrungoo was submitted to Prime Minister which besides carving out of separate homeland for KPs within Valley with UT status demanded internally displaced status be given to community and perpetrators of genocide by punished.