Namgyal assails PDP-BJP coalition for neglect of Nobra Valley

Excelsior Correspondent
NOBRA June 20: Castigating PDP-BJP coalition for abject neglect of Ladakh region, senior National Conference leader and former Minister Tsetan Namgyal on Saturday expressed anguish over denying minimum basics to the people and ignoring their legitimate aspirations.
“PDP-BJP have been showing moon and stars but the people at ground zero are craving for even minimum basics”, Mr Namgyal said while addressing the party workers at Diskit, adding that the Nobra Valley has been the worst victim of administrative neglect and apathy.
The former minister said that massive developmental edifice laid by the Omar led government in far-off areas of the Ladakh region has been negated and people left to fend for themselves in the wake of administrative inertia. He urged the Working President National Conference Omar Abdullah to intervene and seek solution to the accumulated problems of people of Nobra Valley.
Mr Namgayal said the coalition government has lost will to govern and this has hugely impacted the administration at all levels. The myopic vision of the present dispensation has caused a development vacuum, which if not addressed timely will deteriorate the quality of life of people, he said and added that Government cannot afford to be nonchallant when it comes to development of the Ladakh region or ensuring basic utility services at grass roots level. The total neglect can boomerang and therefore the government should desist from testing patience of the people of Nobra Valley, he further said.
Mr Namgyal made a special mention of delaying the deployment of Sub Divisional Magistrate and Tehsildar in the special sub division of Diskit besides the staff crunch in the newly carved out Sumor, Bogdang and Turtuk areas. He also expressed dismay over non availability of teaching staff in various schools of the Nobra Valley and cautioned the government not to jeopradise academics of children.
The various other speakers also assailed the step motherly treatment of the PDP-BJP coalition to the Nobra Valley in particular and the Ladakh region in general.