AFSPA will go in my tenure: Omar

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Aug 15: At a time when there has been sudden upsurge in militant activities across Kashmir, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today urged separatists to join the dialogue process for lasting peace in the troubled State.
While addressing the main Independence Day function at Bakshi Stadium here this morning, Omar asked separatists to shun path of violence for the overall development of the State. “Let you come forward and talk for achieving a breakthrough on table which gun could not deliver in 20 years”, said Omar. He appealed to the separatist leaders to get engaged in the dialogue process for the larger interest of the people and the State.
He said violence and development will not resolve the issue of Jammu and Kashmir but it needs a political solution. “Dialogue process is only way forward to address it effectively and meaningfully”, he added.
The Chief Minister said that the improvement in situation and restoration of peace in the State after a long period of over 22 years is big achievement. He said this peaceful situation has helped fast track development across the State. “The peace dividends should reach to every house hold in the State”, he added.
Omar said that the graph of violence has come down during past few years. He said 370 violence incidents took place in 2010, 190 militancy related incidents took place in 2011 and only 90 in 2012. He said that 50 civilians were killed in the militancy related incidents in 2010, 31 in 2011 and 8 in 2012. He said that 70 security personnel were killed in 2010, while 33 were killed in 2011 and 7 in 2012.
Referring to his stand on the revocation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Abdullah said: “Talks on AFSPA are going on. I regret so far we have not reached a stage when AFSPA can be removed permanently. Talks are still going on and I am satisfied with these talks.”
Without mentioning the Army’s opposition to the revocation of the AFSPA, Omar said: “”I have no hesitation in saying that we wanted to reach a position where we could revoke the AFSPA from some areas of the State. But, unfortunately, we have not reached that point yet. There are several reasons for it.”
The Chief Minister, however, said the AFSPA revocation issue has not been closed as the dialogue on the matter was going on with the Ministry of Defence and the Army. “I can say with surety that the revocation of AFSPA would take place during our tenure in office”, he added.
Omar said that it is his endeavour to reduce the footprints of the security forces in the State. ” I am taking pride in revealing it that all schools have been vacated by the security forces”, he added. He said that 250 other buildings under the occupation of the security forces have also been vacated.
“More than 40 bunkers have been removed from Srinagar city. Perhaps nobody hoped we could remove the bunker from Lal Chowk. Ten battalions of the CRPF have already been de-inducted and sent back”, the Chief Minister said.
He said: “We are slowly implementing the rehabilitation for those who want to return back without guns and the policy is producing encouraging results. This policy is only for those who return not to join militancy, but live peacefully.”
The Chief Minister said that during last year, 60 people have returned under the policy and this year 70 such cases have been cleared. He made it clear that this policy is available only for those youth who have gone for training but not took to gun and indulged in militancy. He said the press reports regarding a person who was arrested after his return do not reflect the factual position. He said the said individual was involved in militant activities and had crossed LoC on various occasions.
The Chief Minister said that the future of the State is in the hands of youth and urged them to shoulder the responsibility of running the affairs of the State. “Let you prepare yourself for this role”, he told the youth.
Omar said that a group of youth has fallen prey to drug menace describing it most serious issue needing early and effective attention. He asked the elders to play their role in saving the youth force from falling into the net of drug traffickers.
Taking a dig on opposition People’s Democratic Party (PDP) for criticizing the performance of his Government, Omar said that those who have covered their eyes with dark glasses do not see the brightness of facts. “They do not want to see the reality on ground as they get frustrated to see it. They know the numerous people-friendly measures and far-reaching historic initiatives taken by the present Government has created lasting impact in the minds of common people”, he said.
He said that besides focusing on most important five sectors of R&B, PHE, Health, Education and Power, his Government has given full attention to Agriculture and allied sectors, Industries and Commerce, Social Welfare and Housing and Urban Development.
Omar said that over 9500 kilometers of roads across the State have been black topped and macadamized during past three years and 230 bridges were completed. He said under PMGSY during his tenure about 2000 kilometers of new roads have been constructed as compared to 750 kilometers during 2001 to 2009.
Highlighting his achievements in the educational sector in the State, Omar said that 2500 new primary schools have been opened, 1600 primary schools upgraded to middle and 530 middle schools to high schools. He said: “Over 34000 teachers have been engaged during the past three years. Twenty three degree colleges, various off-site campuses of universities including those of Leh and Kargil have been opened. Kupwara Campus of Kashmir University will be launched soon. The enrolment of students has also increased from 91000 to 1.19 lakh during the past three years. Government has also taken measures to strengthen the Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah University, Rajouri and Islamic University of Science and Technology at Awantipora.”
Referring to infrastructure development in health sector, Omar said. “We have consolidated the achievements and provided necessary staff to the various health institutions across the State.  Super Specialty Hospital at Jammu will be opened in a phased manner within a couple of months while Trauma Hospital at Srinagar will be completed next year.”
Regarding shortcomings in GB Pant Hospital and GMC Jammu, the Chief Minister said that the situation reported in papers about the two hospitals was gloomy. “Required action was taken to set these hospitals right and help fast improvement in the functioning in these health institutions”, he added.
The Chief Minister referred to the implementation programmes by his Government that will ensure transparency and good governance. These include Public Service Guarantee Act, Right to Information Act, re-constitution of State Accountability Commission, launch of e-tendering, e-procurement and 3rd party monitoring.
Omar said these measures have helped to restrict the corruption and empower people to ask questions to the Government on its performance and financial transactions. He said these initiatives have helped a lot to restrict corrupt practices and save public money. He said that e-tendering initiative has saved Rs 90 crore to the State exchequer.
The Chief Minister said by the implementation of J&K Water Resources Act, the State has obtained Rs 550 crore from various power companies functioning in the State for utilization of water.
Omar said that his Government has flagged the electricity sector as an important area for holistic development. He said while attention is on enhancing generation through various power projects and add about 3000 MWs in next a few years. “Government has also focused on unbundling the transmission and distribution system. Power leakage is highest concern for the State”, he added.  He said that meeting electricity losses of over Rs 2000 crore out of the Rs 7300 Annual Plan 2012-13 sanctioned by the Union Government, is a huge burden to bear.
The Chief Minister said that his Government has introduced Panchayat Raj system and transferred powers of 14 departments have been transferred to it.  “It is now the duty of panchayat members to utilize these powers to the best interest of people”, he said.
Omar said that under MGNREGA over Rs 925 crore are being spent on rural development activities during the current year and panchayats have been entrusted responsibility to undertake this stupendous task. He said that the funds spent under MGNREGA in 2006-08 were Rs  6 crore while these stood at Rs  707 crore last year.
Earlier, the Chief Minister unfurled the national flag and was given a guard of honour after which the contingents of police, CRPF, BSF, Forest Protection Force and school children took part in the march past. However, due to continuous rains in the morning the event was cut short after Chief Minister’s speech.
The cabinet colleagues of the Chief Minister, legislators and police and para-military force officers and a large number of people participated in the function at the Bakshi stadium.
Security across the city was unprecedented on the occasion and for the first time Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) were used for surveillance at the Bakshi Stadium, the venue of the main Independence Day function. An UAV was hovering over the Stadium and was relaying images to an LCD screen installed at the security control room. The UVA was covering at least one kilometre area around the stadium.
Closed circuit TV cameras were also installed within the Bakshi Stadium to keep an eye on any suspicious movement.
The authorities shut down cell phone services and mobile internet services while the functions were in progress as part of security measures.
All the roads leading to the Bakshi stadium in a radius of one kilometre were sealed since last night and security barricades were erected across the city at many places.
Sharpshooters were positioned atop the buildings surrounding the Stadium to thwart any attempts by militants carry out any attack on the occasion.
Security across Srinagar city and other places was intensified in view of recent militant attacks across Kashmir. Only persons who had invitation for the function and security passes were allowed to proceed beyond the barricades erected around Bakshi Stadium.
The celebrations passed off peacefully and there were no reports of any untoward incident from anywhere in Kashmir valley.