Withdrawal of VIP security

This is to bring in the notice of the concerned authorities that the police personnel deployed with former, defeated MLAs, MLCs, retired police personnel needs to be withdrawn at the earliest. It is unnecessary burden on the shoulders of police administration and State exchequer. Rather than pampering the egos of these politicians etel, this force must be deployed to strengthen police posts in sensitive areas in the city and border areas. It is due to lack of manpower in these stations, that militants have attacked Hiranagar, Rajpura, Samba military base camps and general public. If no withdrawal of PSOs is possible then they (VIPs) be directed to pay monthly emoluments of PSOs from their own pockets.
I have already made some submissions to the Governor N N  Vohra, and now request the Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Singh to look into this important public issue.
It is expected that action will be taken in the matter in the interest of the State.
Yours etc…
I J Kapahi
Vikas Lane, Talab Tillo