Construct Zojila tunnel

The Ladakh division of the State has not progressed at the same rate at which other two regions-Kashmir and Jammu have developed. The backwardness of the region could be attributed to the absence of robust network of roads in the region, particularly, the bad condition of Srinagar-Leh highway at Zojila. The Ladakh division remains cut off from rest of the country due to closure of Zojila pass. This pass remains vulnerable to heavy snowing during winter months, and it is quite impossible to keep it open during these months.
During the six months of winter, life in region comes to a stand still. As a result, people face innumerable hardships during this period. It is in this context, that construction of Zojila tunnel has become quite essential. Though survey work has been done, the process needs to be expedited in the interest of the people of this region.
Yours etc…
Abdul Hussain Muntazree
Chumikchan Sankoo Kargil