Mirwaiz surprised over Dulat’s remarks

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, July 3: Hurriyat Conference chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, today expressed surprise over the former RAW chief, AS Dulat’s statement that Mirwaiz could have joined mainstream politics and rejected it.
“APHC’s engagement with both India and Pakistan was only aimed at resolution of the Kashmir dispute and not for any electoral ambitions,” Mirwaiz said here in his address at Friday prayers in Jamia Masjid.
The Hurriyat chairman said that constitutional stand of the amalgam is that Kashmir issue can be solved either by implementing UN resolutions or through meaningful dialogue among the three stake holders, people of Jammu and Kashmir, India and Pakistan.
Mirwaiz said that any attempt to “dilute the centrality and sanctity” of historic Jamia Masjid will not be tolerated. He stressed upon Kashmiris to stay vigilant of those forces who want to weaken the significance of the mosque, which has historically represented the religious, political, social and cultural sentiments and aspirations of the people of Kashmir.
Mirwaiz said: “The Masjid occupies an important position in Kashmir. At every juncture of history, apart from spreading the message of Allah, the pulpit of Jamia Masjid has always raised the voice on behalf of the suppressed people especially since 1931.”
“During the days of Muhajr-e-Millat and Shaheed-e-Millat, Jamia Masjid was time and again targeted and on August 25, 1989, forces laid siege of the Masjid and desecrated it hurting the sentiments of Muslims all over the Valley”, said Mirwaiz.
“Despite the opposition of the people to the deployment of large number of forces outside the mosque, the Government paid no heed to it and continued with this ploy to provoke people and vitiate the atmosphere,” the Hurriyat chairman said.
Welcoming the Amnesty International report on the completion of 25 years of the AFSPA in Kashmir, Mirwaiz stressed upon the international community to take strong notice of the report and pressurize India into revoking the barbaric law immediately.
The Hurriyat chairman said that it is the moral responsibility of UN to use its office to rescind the “draconian law” from Kashmir, adding, the international Human Rights bodies should also take strong notice of the damning report which documents the rights violations committed by Army, paramilitary and police forces in Kashmir.
Mirwaiz strongly denounced the continuous house arrest of Hurriyat patriarch Syed Ali Shah Geelani especially barring him from offering Friday prayers. Mirwaiz called it as blatant interference in religious rights and obligations and termed it as dictatorial.