One internal problem that has baffled policy planners and political commentators is the recurrent complaint of discriminating one or the other of the three regions of the State in terms of allocation of funds, approval of projects and schemes or execution of developmental undertakings. Jammu and Ladakh regions have been complaining of discriminatory treatment. On the other hand, Governments in power have been defending themselves by doling out figures and facts to prove that no discrimination has been resorted to. It has become difficult to ascertain the factual situation owing to lack of information. However, ever since the RTI Act came in power, more and more applications have been filed and the Government departments are called to submit reports. Even this submission has been sometimes distorted or marginally revealed and the cases of discrimination have been hanging fire. Three regions of the State do not have numerically equal representation in the Legislative Assembly. That makes the regions with lesser numbers as more sensitive to the apprehensions of discrimination. We know that various commissions have been appointed to go into the question of discrimination. These have not made any specific and final suggestions that would lead to ensuring that no discrimination has been made.
The present coalition promised fair deal to all the regions precisely in the way as previous Governments have been making. But the ground situation today is somewhat different. BJP has 25 seats all from Jammu region and it is the coalition partner. Naturally one imagines that chances of discriminating Jammu in any sector of service is neither expected nor possibly resorted to. But if discrimination happens even in this situation, it is unfortunate and not conducive to either democratic dispensation or to good governance. We have the case of deficit salary to the various categories of teachers under Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), for the year 2014-15. This is a centrally sponsored scheme and subject teachers have been appointed as set forth by the guidelines provided by the Union Government. Masters and Headmaster under RMSA, posted in different schools across the State, were not paid their salary for 5 to six months. Actually the MHRD had squeezed flow of funds in March 2014 on the plea that the recruitment of subject teachers under the scheme was not made strictly in accordance with the guidelines provided. Now, the question has been resolved and the State has agreed to release the deficit salary arrears as a matter of principle. It is here that the complaint of discrimination has cropped up.
The precise nature of the complaint is that though there is almost equal number of schools and equal number of teachers whose arrears of salary are pending, yet funds released are far less for the affected teachers in Jammu region and very fair or even more than fair for Kashmir region. We have statistics at our disposal. For example, sanction is accorded to the release of funds to the tune of Rs 28.42 crore in favour of Chief Education Officers of the State to meet out the deficit salary arrears of subject teachers posted in the schools upgraded under RMSA for the year 2014-15. Out of this amount Rs 18.40 crore were released for almost same number of Masters in 259 such schools in various districts under Kashmir division while only Rs 8.02 crore have been released for the salary arrears of Masters in 267 schools upgraded under RMSA across Jammu division. Concerned authorities try to absolve themselves of any discrimination by suggesting that in-position data received from CEOs was the determining factor. The point is that authorities should have verified the in-position before fixing the amount to be released to meet salary deficit arrears. If there was any lacuna in the in-position data, and certainly there was, this should have been corrected before a final decision was taken. By not doing so, the authorities have wilfully created suspicions in the mind of affected teachers in Jammu region and they have jumped on the conclusion that discrimination has been made.
We have no intention to sit on judgment that is not our business. But the point is why State authorities give opportunity to the people of other regions to find fault with the administration and raise objections if they are actually dealing with equity and justice with them. Administration has to be cautious of not giving any chance to the people to frame a case of discrimination against them and this can best be done by not discriminating them in any sense. Large number of teachers has been suffering delayed or withheld salaries in these hard times. The administration should be just and humanist in dealing with their case.