With Rs 360 cr ADB funding, ERA augments 24 MGD water

Gopal Sharma
JAMMU, Aug 17: With the Asian Development Bank funding worth Rs 360 crore, the Economic Reconstruction Agency (ERA) has augmented nearly 24 million gallons of water per day (MGD) for Jammu city by constructing 54 tube wells and raising 59 over head tanks.
Not only this, ERA has also provided big relief to the people of the winter capital city by installing 44 high capacity pumping equipment at 13 critical pumping stations for better pumping and 38 dedicated feeders at various PHE pumping stations for assured water supply. In order to overcome the problem of low voltage and the supply break-down with interrupted power, the agency also upgraded one new and six 33/11 KV electric sub-stations by installing high voltage transformers.
ERA Project Manager, S L Kapoor (SE) when contacted disclosed that with the construction of 54 tube wells in just past three years, the agency has managed to augment nearly 30-35 % of water supply to Jammu city. He said at present, all the tube wells stand completed and handed over to the PHE department. Almost all the (59) over head tanks having storage capacity of 82 lakh gallons of water have been completed. While most of them have been connected with the  pumping stations by the PHE authorities, hardly 7 or 8 are in the process of  getting connectivity, Mr Kapoor added.
Responding to another question, Mr Kapoor said not only this the agency has also provided 16 water tankers to PHE department and garbage cleaning/ carrying equipment to JMC. Besides this 335 kms rising mains and distribution (worn-out and new) pipe lines were laid in the city to improve the water supply situation in the city. Thirty deep drains and nallahs, nearly 43 km in length, were also constructed under the same funding and 24 `pay and use’ toilet blocks were commissioned and handed over to JMC during this period under the ADB funding component.
Giving more details of the project, Mr Kapoor said in addition to this, ERA raised Boria (near Gorakh Nagar) intake water pumping station with capacity of 1.8 million gallons per day. He said with up-gradation of  six electric sub-stations and installations of 44 high capacity pumping machines, 13 critical water stations of the  city including Muthi, Roopnagar stage-II & III, Company Bagh, Narwal, Boria, Bakshinagar, Ban Talab, Dilli etc. will get regular water supply and the public will not be affected in case of power curtailment in many areas. At least 30 supply stations are being connected for the assured supply in the city localities, the Project Manager added.
When asked about the success of the tube wells and any problem of low water discharge being faced from any well, the Project Manager said, “we faced problem at a tube well located in Sector-I of Chhanni Himmat some time back. The experts from outside were consulted, who suggested to change the position of the pump set installed. Muddy water was also coming from the well. After we changed the pump position, the problem was rectified. At present all the wells are providing water as per their identified discharge capacity”, he added.
Chief Engineer PHE Jammu B R Dogra when contacted said although a big relief has been provided to the people of Jammu with the support of ERA wells, yet the city is reeling under shortage of water. He said in many areas, the PHE is unable to provide water supply twice a day. He projected the shortage of 2.5-3 MGD at present. Mr Dogra said this problem can only be removed with the commissioning of proposed Chenab water supply project.
Replying to a question, the Chief Engineer said as against 24 MGD water potential projected by ERA, the PHE is able to get benefit of hardly 16 MGD of water. He said nearly 7-8 over head water tanks are yet to be connected with the water supply pipes and the work was still going on there. In some of the tube wells, the problem of low water discharge is being faced. Therefore, the real potential up to the maximum limit  (24 MGD) has not been exploited so far, Mr Dogra maintained.