AIIMS Fight – Do or Die For Jammu

K B Jandial
Jammu appears to have woken up against discriminations. AIIMS has become a rallying point for the people who transcending the barriers of castes and ideologies are associating with the ever increasing demand for AIIMS in Jammu under the aegis of non-political AIIM Coordination Committee (ACC). It is gradually becoming a fight to finish and if succeeded, no Govt. with how so huge mandate it might have, would not  ever dare to barter away Jammu’s genuine interests.
First shocked at the sacrifice of Jammu’s interest at the time of formation of the BJP’s first coalition Govt. in J&K, and dismayed at subsequently equally blatant betrayal by its leadership in not fulfilling the Dy. Chief Minister’s written commitment of June 18, 2015 to get the Central Govt. notification for Jammu AIIMS by July 20, Jammu is up against its own elected leaders.  Dy. CM and other BJP leaders during negotiation conceded to the ACC delegation that BJP has actually made a mistake by agreeing to locate it in Kashmir valley. The debate on AIIMS’s rightful location actually should end after this bold admission. Political mistakes are not new in our system but the political wisdom demands earliest correction to assuage the outraged sentiments of the multitude of the people.
With mounting public pressure on ACC witnessed across the region during its month long ‘public contact programme’ in the intervening period, the ACC had no alternative but to intensify the agitation which it did in right earnest. Giving ten days more which the Dy. CM had asked to deliver on his written commitment, Jammu will go for 72-hour bandh in Jammu region from 31st July if again failed to get AIIMS sanctioned. The Bar Association Jammu, whose President Abhinav Sharma is the Chairman of ACC, has already taken a lead by suspending its work till 30th July.
The public anger on the issue of AIIMS is a stark manifestation of six decades’ of discrimination perpetuated on Jammu by successive Central and State Govts. The present State Govt. of which BJP is an equal constituent is found to be unconcerned and treading on the beaten track of appeasement to Kashmir at the cost of Jammu. Incredible! What forced it to follow the anti- Jammu legacy? Many intellectuals even call the agenda of alliance in which this AIIMS was committed to”the Valley” as “agenda for Jammu’s subjugation”. What did BJP do while preparing this important document considered as bible for governance in the State?
Is it the lust for power for conceding every demand of PDP? Or it is because of their ignorance that Kashmir already had an Institute of Medical Sciences of almost equivalent level at Soura? This they did it even before taking oath of office and announcement of one AIIMS by the Finance Minister in his budget speech in Lok Sabha on 28 February. Whatever may be the reasons, Jammu’s interests were crucified while preparing the blue print of a “dream Govt”. Should the people meekly accept this discrimination or stand against it?
In Lok Sabha elections Modi charmed the people of Jammu like rest of the country, both as a strong administrator and a nationalist who would brook no nonsense when it comes to dispensing justice to the region which continued to be nursed a feeling of neglect for decades. The similar sentiments ruled the roost when he came to Jammu for campaigning for Assembly elections. People’s unflinching faith in Modi returned 26 BJP MLAs to the Assembly. In many constituencies voters did not know the BJP candidates and actually voted for Modi with a hope of dawning a new era in J&K.  Like the monsoon, Modi’s magic did not cross Pir Panchal range. But when it came to give dividend of people’s trust and faith in Modi and BJP, it came in the shape of announcement of “no AIIMS for Jammu” and “closure of the ongoing artificial lake project in Jammu”.
Soon thereafter, on the call of Chamber of Commerce Jammu observed a complete unprecedented shut down on 24th April, the day  Durbar was to shift to Srinagar, and  registered a strong democratic protest against these decisions. This failed to move the local BJP leadership as they were still in the “hangover” of coming to power.  Angered by insensitivity of the Govt., another complete Bandh was observed on 28th May , this time on the call of Bar Association, Jammu supported by many organizations and political parties.  The day was chosen to greet the Home Minister Rajnath Singh who visited Jammu on the day to address a rally to mark the first anniversary of BJP government at the Centre.  Still BJP and the Govt. remained unmoved.  Sensing that the fight would be longer, a Coordination Committee comprising over 100 non- political social, commercial and voluntary organizations was set up to achieve the goal. There is not even murmur in ruling class on the issue. The resentment is so deep that there is strong demand for making the Coordination Committee a permanent forum to safeguard Jammu’s interests.
When Modi Govt. gave  second AIIMS to Bihar, may be on political consideration as it goes to poll this year and BJP want win assembly elections there, why not to J&K to meet the dire need of super specialty health care in Jammu. It is understood Modi Govt. has already decided to concede Haryana’s demand for AIIMS. But Jammu is kept on tenterhooks. Why? The region has returned BJP candidates on both Lok Sabha seats and 26 out of 37 assembly seats. Is this the reward BJP giving to people?
Using all instruments of state craft, confusion was sought to be created with a view to misleading the public opinion. First it was said that AIIMS would be first established in Jammu before Kashmir. The only sanctioned AIIMS for J&K stood allotted to Kashmir, which AIIMS being referred to for setting up first in Jammu when its sanction eludes even after three months of agitation.  Making Jammu people fool?
Then came an escapist argument that the  BJP had brought AIIMS in Jammu in 2004 during Sushma Swaraj’s tenure of Health Minister and even foundation stone was laid but the Congress failed to retain it. It is a brazen lie and that too being made by the people in authority.  Thanks to internet nothing is hidden and BJP  leaders need to go to the internet and read Jaswant Singh’s speech of Feb.3, 2004 on interim budget 2004-05. The para 8 of his speech is reproduced below.
“Specialty hospitals in the private sector remain beyond the reach of many of our citizens. The Prime Minister had, therefore, on last Independence Day, announced the establishing of six hospitals, in the Government sector, on the pattern of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). This Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana envisages six new AIIMS like hospitals, one each in the States of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, and Uttaranchal……I would also like to mention that under this Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana, one medical college each in the six States of Andhra Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal will also be upgraded to the level of AIIMS”.
As is clear AIIMS was not sanctioned for J&K by earlier NDA and it was only the upgradation of some specialties of   Govt. Medical College to on the pattern of AIIMS. So,  no point in telling lies to side tract the issue.
It was also claimed that PM has given ok and it would be announced on his return from foreign tour but it still didn’t happen. Then came leak in national paper about setting up AIIMS campus in Jammu. Lot of hype was given to the visit of PM to Jammu for centenary birthday anniversary celebrations along with a package but again nothing of the sort happened.
When the deadline of commitment expired, ten days were sought by the Dy CM which was, in a way, granted. Is AIIMS coming by 30th July? No firm words still are coming from the Govt. except that a powerful PDP Minister and close Mufti aide, Naeem Akhtar has endorsed the written commitment of Dy. CM on another AIIMS for Jammu.
Now, Jammu will make 72-hour bandh as successful as the previous two. The ACC is left with no choice except to go in for it. It is prelude to the warning given by the Chambers chief of indefinite shut down for which Jammu has many records in the past. No party other than BJP knows it better the capacity of Jammu people to struggle as it remained in forefront of all agitations since 1952. Today, they are on the other side.
Bandh is the last resort of peaceful democratic protest. It is not a luxury which the traders or transporters opt for. These do cause problems to everyone due to disruption of normal life but with Govt. becoming insensitive to Jammu’s cause there is no alternative. People have to sacrifice small interests for greater objectives.
BJP’s logic against shut down on the ground of ongoing Shri Amarnath and Shri Vaishnodevi pilgrimages does not cut ice.  The latter is round-the- year pilgrimage while the agitation on Amarnath land row started in June- July, 2008 amidst Amarnath pilgrimage. The agreement was reached on 31st August ending 61-day agitation. If they are really concerned with the pilgrimage and the people of Jammu they still have time get AIIMS announced by the r second deadline of 30th July. Don’t credit Congress, NC or Panthers for this agitation which is actually apolitical struggle with no political agenda. Spare a thought on it as it is “do or die” for Jammu.