Conan O’Brien sued for allegedly stealing jokes from Twitter

LOS ANGELES, July 29: Conan O’Brien is facing plagiarism lawsuit after a Twitter user claimed the TV host has ripped off his jokes from the micro-blogging site.

Robert Alexander Kaseberg has filed a lawsuit against the “Conan” host and accused him of stealing four of his jokes on Twitter and using them as materials for the late-night talk show monologues, reported Ace Showbiz.

Kaseberg tweeted on February 3, “Tom Brady is going to give his MVP truck to the guy who won the game for the Patriots. So enjoy that truck, Pete Carroll.”

O’Brien later joked on his show, “Tom Brady said he wants to give the truck he was given as the Super Bowl MVP to the guy who won the Super Bowl for the Patriots. So Brady is giving his truck to Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll.”

On February 17, Kaseberg wrote on Twitter, “Washington Monument is 10 inches shorter than previously thought. You know the winter has been rough when a monument suffers from shrinkage.”

On the same day, O’Brien said on his monologue, “Surveyors announced that the Washington Monument is 10 inches shorter than what’s been recorded. Of course, the monument is blaming the shrinkage on the cold weather.”

The other alleged rip-off jokes targeted Caitlyn Jenner and Delta flight. The plaintiff, who claimed he contributed to “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno”, includes TBS and O’Brien’s team as defendants in the lawsuit.

O’Brien’s production company denies the allegations, “We at Conaco firmly believe there is no merit to this lawsuit.” (PTI)