Villagers’ delegation meets PDD Chief Engg

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 29: A deputation of village Majua and Badipur Salarian led by State president, Shiv Sena Balasahib Thackeray, Dimpy Kohli, senior-vice president, Vikrant Kapoor and general secretary, GI Singh met Chief Engineer, PDD, Ajay Gupta and brought to his notice the prevailing situation of electricity in these villages .
They told chief engineer that out of 24 hours the supply of electricity is hardly 2 hours and the voltage is so low that hardly any electric equipment works, adding there is immediate requirement for the installation of a high voltage transformer.
Leaders of Shiv Sena also discussed some problems of village Badipur Salarian regarding shifting of of poles from the site where construction works of local Gurudwara Sahib is going on.
Chief Engineer listened all the problems expressed by the deputation carefully and immediately instructed concerned AEE and JEs for redressal of problems being faced by the people of two villages.
Others who accompanied the deputation were Raj Singh, Raju Salaria, Ganesh Chowdhary, Sanjeev Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, Madan Lal, Baldev Raj, Skinder Kumar, Mulakh Raj and Des Raj.