CEC visits flood affected villages

Excelsior Correspondent

CEC Rigzin Spalbar during visit to a flood affected village in Leh.
CEC Rigzin Spalbar during visit to a flood affected village in Leh.

LEH, Aug 9: Chief Executive Councilor (CEC) LAHDC Rigzin Spalbar today visited Mangyu village which was badly affected by recent flash flood.
CEC was accompanied by Executive Councilor for Agriculture Sonam Dorjey, Councilor Skurbuchan Dawa Tsering, Councilor Saspol Rinchen Tundup, Executive Engineer Special Sub Division Khaltsi, BDO, Khaltsi I/C Tehsildar Saspol and concerned officers and engineers
At Mangyu, CEC met with the family who lost one family member in the flash flood recently and expressed sympathy with the deceased families.
The road of Mangyu which was washed away a week before is being restored with a JCB from today morning and expected to be cleared by tomorrow. For restoration of irrigation canals, CEC directed BDO Saspol and engineers of I&FC to visit all the affected sites today with the Sarpanch Mangyu and start the temporary restoration works immediately.
He also directed engineers of PHE to ensure early supply of drinking water to the villages and also directed AEE, PDD to restore all the uprooted electrical poles at the earliest. Spalbar also directed Incharge Tehsildar Saspol to do fresh assessment of property losses in the village at the earliest.
Enroute, CEC along with Councilor Basgo Tsering Norboo, Sarpanch Ney visited Ney village and made on spot inspection of all the damaged irrigation canals. The CEC also met the family members at Ney–Umlung who lost their newly constructed house completely in the flood and assured the family for giving Rs 50,000 assistance from Council and advised them to start the construction of new home at a safe place assuring all possible help from council.
Spalbar also inspected the ongoing restoration works of irrigation canals of Ney and Basgo by villagers and assured to dispatch required materials like pipes and sheets from Leh at the earliest to save standing crop which is the prime concern of Council at present. The CEC also met with Sarpanch Nimoo at Nimoo village and assured of all possible help from council.
CEC Rigzin Spalbar also visited Wanla village and assessed the extant of flood damage.