India should warn Pak of consequences: Bhim

Excelsior Correspondent

Chief patron of National Panthers Party Prof Bhim Singh addressing media persons at Jammu on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Chief patron of National Panthers Party Prof Bhim Singh addressing media persons at Jammu on Tuesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, Aug 18:  Expressing serious concern over the ceasefire violation along the borders in Jammu and Kashmir, chief patron of National Panthers Party (NPP) Prof Bhim Singh has said that Indian should warn Pakistan of serious consequences if it continued to play mischief and targeting innocent civilians.
Talking to media persons here today Prof Singh said,  “Continuous ceasefire violation in utter disregard to the UN resolution on the LoC and International Border by Pakistan amounts to undeclared war against India.  India should talk to Pakistan whether in Delhi or Islamabad or anywhere else that Pakistan should vacate the illegal occupation of entire territory of J&K (India) for lasting peace on Indo-PaK border,” he maintained.
He alleged that the successive Governments of  India right since 1947 till today are responsible for the present mess inside J&K and on borders with Pakistan and China.  Indian leadership must explain why they allowed Gilgit-Baltistan to fall in 1947-48.  Secondly, nation must be told why India kept silence when Pakistan annexed entire Gilgit- Baltistan in 2009 making it a part of Pakistan.  Indian leadership has to explain why it did not oppose sell out of Indian territory in Karakoram pass in 1963 to China which threatened India’s security on borders, he added.
The Nation felt grateful to Prime Minister Narasimha Rao when he managed to pass resolution in Indian Parliament asking Pakistan to vacate all Indian territories in Jammu and Kashmir and reiterated India’s commitment to liberate all territories under illegal occupation of Pakistan.
This is unfortunate that PM Modi could not take up agenda which  Indira Gandhi adopted in 1971 in Shimla Agreement and PM Narasimha Rao in Parliament in 1994.
This is shocking to note that PM Modi did not find a word to condemn Pak aggression and ceasefire violations  while addressing from Lal Qila on  August 15.
The NPP leader said that people on both sides have seen blood shed  during 1947, 1965, 1971, 1999 wars and even today.  Over  90 % people in Pakistan do not want war.  The people in PoK should be given a right of referendum whether they want to live in Pakistan are not?
“It is shocking that some political parties are opposing Indo-PaK talks only to please Indo-American axis.  NPP appeals the two Prime Ministers to talk to each other, Pakistan should stop violation of ceasefire and allow the innocent people to live in peace and dignity,” the NPP leader said.
Former Minister and chairman of the NPP Harshdev Singh also spoke to the media on the occasion and asked India to give strong message to Pakistan leadership.