Modi has talked much, now it’s time to act: Rahul

Gopal Sharma


AICC leader Rahul Gandhi sharing pain and grief of Pakistani firing victims at Balakot in Poonch on Wednesday.
AICC leader Rahul Gandhi sharing pain and grief of Pakistani firing victims at Balakot in Poonch on Wednesday.

JAMMU, Aug 26: Accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of talking much and making hollow promises to the people right from the previous Lok Sabha elections, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi today said that it is time for Modi to act and deliver to the people of  this country.
Accompanied by AICC general secretary and in-charge J&K affairs of the party Ambika Soni, Gandhi after visiting Balakote village in Poonch and meeting Pakistani firing victims and their families told the media persons here that people of the border belt in the State have been suffering badly due to Pakistani firing. “They are scared of shelling and needed to be rehabilitated at the safer places. Their demand of  raising pucca bunkers near the LoC and adequate compensation is genuine and justified,” he added.
Referring to the loud speeches of  Modi with regard to Pakistan, ceasefire violations, corruption, black money, one rank one pension and bringing transformation, the AICC vice president said that Modi made only “hollow slogans” but there is nothing on the ground. It is now time for him to transform his words into action.
Replying to a question, Gandhi alleged that  “over centralisation of power” in the Central Government was blocking the functioning of the entire system. “Modi Government is not fulfilling promises made to the people.”
“Actually the problem with this Government is that it thinks that only Modi has all the knowledge and only he knows everything. Be it about Punjab, J&K, Haryana  or  One Rank One Pension (OROP), the whole knowledge is only with Modi ji. So everyone is waiting for and looking at what he will do,” Gandhi maintained.
When asked about his reaction on stalling of NSA level talks between India and Pakistan, Rahul said, ”  There has been an over-centralisation of  power and Modiji  is not speaking anything. Thus, the entire system is getting blocked.”
Gandhi said that the country has tremendous capabilities and there are many people in the Foreign service and Finance Ministry in the Government and outside Government including professionals, who understand their job and know how to do it. But here in this Government there is one man show. Only one person can speak. It was even shared with me by a few BJP Parliamentarians that they are not heard in the party, Gandhi said.
While referring to the volatility in the market and its impact on the economy, Gandhi said the BJP had promised to transform India but nobody has seen that transformation happening.
“Anybody in the country can see the economy is going down. And now you saw what happened in the market,” he said.
Rahul said the Prime Minister had promised One Rank One Pension but the people who fight on borders, our ex-servicemen are sitting on hunger strike at Delhi. Prime Minister has not spoken any word on it and not even on Pakistani firing and killings of innocent civilians.
“The Prime Minister should take action. He has made promises and everybody knows those promises. I think it is about time the Prime Minister stop making commitments and start taking action. There was the promise about fixing the economy.
“Where is the promise about curbing corruption? Where is the promise about Rs 15 lakh coming into the bank accounts of the people. That is not happening,” Gandhi said.
Accusing Modi of making promises one after another like bullet trains, Gandhi said that it was perhaps the first time that ex- servicemen, who fought and sacrificed their lives for the country, have to go on hunger strikes in Delhi and the Prime Minister is maintaining “silence”.
“The Prime Minister has not spoken a word. He used to speak a lot even before elections he will do this, he will do that, OROP will happen, corruption will go. The issue of Sushma Swaraj and Vasundhra Raje related to Lalit Modi controversy was raised. He did not utter a single word”, Rahul said.
“OROP issue was raised again and again but he did not utter a single word. Pakistani is firing but there is no word from him. What has happened to his speech? Why is he silent?  He should speak up,”  Gandhi added.
Responding to a question about the internal fight in Jammu and Kashmir Congress,  AICC vice president said he had not seen that kind of any problem in the party in J&K so far and added that Congress was a democratic party.
“We believe in allowing people to speak unlike our opponent ( BJP), where only one gentleman is allowed to speak, only one gentleman is allowed to say what he feels. Only one gentleman is allowed to make promises and only one gentleman who is allowed to break promises,” Mr Gandhi maintained.
Earlier, while addressing the Panchayat members, former Corporators and Councilors, at Sainik Farm here,  Rahul Gandhi said that for the restoration of complete peace in Jammu and Kashmir, strengthening of Panchayati Raj Institutions was must. He said Congress always fought for the strengthening of Panchayati Raj system in the State even being coalition partner within the Government and outside and will continue to do so. He declared that it will be the priority of the Congress Party to accord powers to the Sarpanches and Panches to strengthen Panchayati Raj system in the State if  Congress comes to power next.
During convention several Sarpanches from various district launched attack on their own former Ministers and alleged that when they come to power they forget and ignore their own Sarpanches and grass- root level workers. They are not even allowed entry to the offices of  the Ministers. The works of  their respective areas are not entertained. They use these grass root level workers during elections. They said the grass root level workers ignored top leaders and those contesting elections and the Congress suffered loss. Chairman Panchayat Conference Shafiq Mir also addressed the gathering.
PCC president G A Mir, former Ministers Raman Bhalla and Sham Lal Sharma also spoke on the occasion. Mr Rahul listened to  at least one Sarpanch from each district besides a few Corporators and councilors.
In the morning, Rahul Gandhi arrived at Jammu airport at around 9 am and then accompanied by AICC general secretary Ambika Soni and PCC president G A Mir he straightway moved to Balakote area at LoC in Poonch and met the families of those six persons including a local Sarpanch and a teacher who were killed in Pakistani firing recently besides other firing victims. The people shared their grief and pain and demanded construction of pucca bunkers, temporary shelters at safer places, compensation for damaged houses, property and insurance cover for them and their cattle and crop. Mr Gandhi assured that he will take up these issues with the higher authorities in Delhi. Rahul said that people killed during terror attacks are given much compensation while those killed in Pakistani firing are getting less. The compensation amount should be same.
Later, in the evening, AICC leader convened meeting of Congress executive from Jammu region and cautioned the party rank and file to maintain discipline in the party. He said that he would not tolerate indiscipline and any attempt to create any sort of wedge. Several delegations of the party and outside met Mr Gandhi at State Guest House in the evening and projected their issues. He will leave for Srinagar tomorrow.
On Thursday, Rahul Gandhi would reach Srinagar airport at 10 am and from there he will move to  Dusso in Pampore where he would meet saffron growers.  After Pampore he will move to Sopore where he would address a rally of party workers. Then he will move to SKICC where several delegations would meet him. On Friday morning he will left for Delhi.