Action plan for giving impetus to historic Mubarak Mandi’s restoration prepared

*Heritage hotel proposal completely ruled out

Mohinder Verma

Dilapidated condition of historic Mubarak Mandi Complex. -Excelsior/Rakesh
Dilapidated condition of historic Mubarak Mandi Complex.

JAMMU, Aug 27: In order to give necessary fillip to the restoration and conservation of the historic Mubarak Mandi complex, whose major portion is still lying in dilapidated condition, the Divisional Commissioner Jammu, Dr Pawan Kotwal has formulated the much needed action plan wherein thrust has been laid on execution of restoration work only through Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) for being the only agency in the country, which has enough expertise in handling historical sites.
Moreover, it has suggested that Union Ministry of Culture under whose jurisdiction ASI falls, should be requested for opening of a special unit of this premier organization in Jammu and Kashmir.
Official sources told EXCELSIOR that in the District Development Board meeting of Jammu district held last month, the Chief Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed had directed the Divisional Commissioner, Dr Pawan Kotwal to prepare action plan/ road map so as to expedite the restoration work on Mubarak Mandi heritage complex in order to restore its pristine glory.
After detailed deliberations and paying several visits to different parts of the Mubarak Mandi complex and perusing the Detailed Project Reports prepared by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH), the Divisional Commissioner has prepared the action plan and submitted to the Chief Minister, Mufti Mohammad Sayeed.
It has been recommended in the action plan that work of restoration being of historical and archaeological nature should be got done only through the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) and all logistical support should be given to this premier organization so as to enable it to expedite the work by engaging more artisans.
He has also felt it imperative to remove infrastructure bottlenecks and shifting of utilities expeditiously so as to enable ASI to speed up the restoration work.
Moreover, the Divisional Commissioner has suggested that Union Ministry of Culture, which is having administrative control over ASI, should be requested so that an exclusive unit of ASI is established in Jammu and Kashmir for speeding up restoration works. “With the establishment of a special unit of ASI in this State, the conservation of not only Mubarak Mandi but several other historical monuments, which have been entrusted to this premier organization, would get necessary impetus”, sources said.
In the action plan, stress has been laid on use of restored portion of the Foreign Office and the Army Headquarters for holding official/ceremonial functions after adding the necessary amenities like Public Conveniences, Luminaries, Public Address System and Air-Conditioning that too after seeking expert opinion of the ASI. “The Secretary of Mubarak Mandi Heritage Society should prepare re-use plan in consultation with the ASI and project the requirement of funds to the Administrative Department accordingly”, the Divisional Commissioner has further recommended.
As far as use of Mubarak Mandi Complex for heritage hotel purpose is concerned, the Divisional Commissioner after consulting the concerned officers of the ASI has mentioned that the same is not possible as per the norms of the protected monuments. However, he has suggested obtaining of view of the Law Department on the subject.
The action plan suggests complete ban on idle parking of any sort inside the heritage complex premises, development of multi-tier parking for tourists visiting the complex on the portion outside the complex on the Dhounthaly Bazar for which Judiciary Department has already given the no-objection certificate, restoration of old telegraph office building adjacent to the vacated judiciary complex to its original shape and the Dogra Art Museum building be restored on priority so that it could be thrown open to the visitors as early as possible.
The Divisional Commissioner has further recommended that Director Tourism in consultation with the Director Archives and Museums may get this Museum included as one of the attractions of the Jammu City Tour Package in consultation with the tour & travel agents both at the national and State level.
“Director Tourism Jammu should develop the theme for a ‘Light & Sound show’ on the pattern of Golconda Fort in Hyderabad displaying the history of the Dogras, their great cultural and literary icons, warriors like General Zorawar Singh and his expeditions and the creation of the unique State of Jammu & Kashmir by the Dogra rulers”, the action plan said, adding this Light and Sound show could be held on the terraces below the ‘Gol Ghar’ with a panoramic view of the valley of Tawi below and Bagh-e-Bahu complex across the river.
Restoration of central park to its original shape in consultation with the ASI authorities; restoration of defunct fountains; restoration of central coronation platform inside the park; widening of approach road to the complex from the Panjtirthi and removal of encroachments right from Radio Station Chowk up to the Mubarak Mandi Complex are the other recommendations of the Divisional Commissioner.