Re-engineering through Introspection

Mamta Choudhary and Dr Radha Gupta
Right now things are muddled and chaotic inside as a result we see them at our outer surface. The conscious says one thing and mind says another. While struggling between mind and conscious, an individual listens more of his mind than his conscious which effect his actions and consequently his habits, sanskars and his nature also gets affected. It is all jumbled together. Introspection is a means to look inward for purifying inner self and brings clarity by assessing the act performed by an individual. It is well said that self assessment is the best assessment. Nobody can judge an individual better than himself. The inner purification guide the ideas generated for realizing organizational goals. The more is the consciousness, the higher is the probability of right decision and vice versa. It is applicable in both personal and professional life.
The concept of introspection is important at every stage of life for examining thoughts and feelings. It is more relevant in professional life because day to day interactions in an organization create work environment. Though decision making lies with those who are at the helm of affairs but the contribution of the employees at bottom level cannot be ignored. For instance, employee at the lower level requires genuine favors from his immediate boss and if the later is reluctant without giving it a thought then it could hamper the goal realization process and also mental cogntiveness of an individual.
The magnitude of the issue may be meager in nature but it has multiple repercussions and the significant one is that it lowers the morale of employee which is a fundamental for the individual growth on one hand and organizational growth on other.
Self realization is essential for the one who leads the group as it reflects in the performance of the associated members. What is desirable for one may not necessarily be desirable for others. The person needs to look into the matter from every perspective because favorable situations give sigh of relief and on the contrary, it brings discouragement. Put it differently, favoritism by a group leader may result in biasness which affects smooth functioning of an organization.
It is natural phenomenon that one may be more inclined toward a person or group of person having similar traits and in lieu of this they may be made more accountable in performing day to day job. If such practice repeats frequently, it alters the instinct and commitment of other employees and they start feeling inferior. The leader need to introspect his behavior as it weakens the bond among employees which is vital for overall growth of organization. Introspection can be a powerful tool to learn yourself and have self-awareness or understanding that you are separate from your environment and from other people and appreciating what makes you different.
If an individual introspects from every perspective, the authority of experience of his inner self strengthens his decision making, then whatever situation comes he will be able to serve within that situation in a way that is needed and not in a way that he think he should serve or a particular role that he should have and he will be remembered even after leaving the organization. This one particular point of knowledge: Swa-darshan-chakradhari – “to be able to see the self – to have the vision of the self is the key to success in every field of our life.”