Hahaha, the word designer!

Hahaha!The word designer has become an integral part of our modern society – any thing without this adage is below the standard and dignity of the richi-rich! One person from an affluent class has flaunted his or her brand in a gathering, the other I am no less ,thinking person must fall in line .And will rest only after he has succeeded in procuring if not the same but a brand. A casual observer can see him going around and bragging about his achievement and perhaps expecting to rise in their estimation of his standard in turn tacitly, hoping to stoke a feeling of inferiority complex in others! He may have had to pay through his nose and perhaps,will soon discover the after effects of his folly. Ironically, these two synonyms, brand and designer,have made an indelible mark in our life that irrespective of the genders,no converse on any subject can be concluded without their figuring in .
Overpowering feeling of unhealthy competition and the urge to follow ways of the glitterati takes its toll on such people. It is merely, copying all out, by hook or crook! Alas! The instinct of emulating the rich or the ones one thinks are superior to him is very strong in human beings! Very rarely people allow themselves to use their wisdom to follow the course of their life! Most people think through their heart and thus slip making a hash of their life. Sadly, there is an ever increasing-decadence in the values of our so called modern culture. We have lost our originality, power of sane thinking,giving place to pretentiousness and ostentation !
Pretentiousness more often than not comes under social pressure to keep up the false status and it strikes it’s ugly head on those hapless people who get awestruck easily ,lack originality and are not so strong of mind , therefore, succumb to social maladies! !A British economist condones ostentation provided it does not affect your economy and doesn’t have an adverse effect on your inferiors and more so on society as a whole! There are two sides to a coin! Imitation with innovation is considered a progressive step and is a form of social learning that leads to the development of traditions and ultimately our culture! But it is a lowest form of learning !!
Exhibiting pomp and show and indulging in garish display of the corrupt-possessions has become the latest trend! Values of life have got lost somewhere in the glitz and glamor of modern life!
There are people who live a high profile life by taking huge loans resulting in bankruptcy and a down fall difficult to look up !
Such people become pseudo-individuals and loose touch with reality thereby living on a plane that quickly buckles under its own weight. Life is beautiful! We must strive to sustain its beauty by being real and upfront….thats where lies the real happiness and peace which is an ultimate creative force.
Na banao ghar kabhi tum rate ki buniyad Par ,
Ahed-a-gham se guzro ge tum umr bhar !