Offsite Campuses

This has reference to the news item ‘Make offsite campuses independent centres of higher learning’ DE Sept 16.
The offsite campuses of Jammu and Kashmir  Universities set up in different parts of the State are playing a commendable role in furthering the education needs of student community belonging to rural areas of the State.
They have not only reduced the burden on the two universities, but have provided opportunities to less privileged people to seek  higher education, and enabled them to get a employment in various sectors. There is however much to be done to raise their educational standard. These campuses have been found to be deficient in services.
There is shortage of staff and infrastructure in these Campuses. There are not sufficient facilities for research work in these educational institutions. The Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed while inaugurating Science and Technology block of college of Engineering at Zakura has found some deficiencies in the working of these institution. He said, “These Campses are KU’s arms. Even after so many years, academic activities at North and South Campuses are at low ebb”. So it is time to raise their standard to bring them at par with other educational institutions in the country.
Yours etc…
Amit Aggarwal, Jammu