Inner Voice


Let me live
Let me bloom
Let me shine
like beautiful moon.
Let me come and
see this world
Let me fly like
beautiful bird.
Don’t be so cruel
Oh selfish !
Let me swim like
colorful fish.
Listen my cry
Listen my scream
Let me fulfill
My wishes and dream.
Let me see this
beautiful earth
Please don’t kill me
before my birth.

Nrityashree Deepak Dutta
TGT Dance


You speak to earn you friends
as many you make.
For you speak so candid as
if you offer them to take.
They swarm around you
in a bee-line so begotten,
They don’t bear to lose a word,
smudge a sigh, by mistake
You offer them crafty, creamy cakes
palatable for intake
Such well contrived, devices you
involve when ever you speak
Be certain the number of your
listeners will be on its peak.
The other class of scoffers,
cynics, equally runs in race.
They buzz about in every freak
& never feel disgrace
Wild with laughter, pale in face,
the murky ground embrace
Such ephemeral notes of mute
accord framed in flimsy base
Carry no weight to bind together
with an unknown face
They build big castles in the air
with narrow vision as base.
Soon after it crumbles down
and collapses back to its surface.
The fast changing life of modern age
with its narrowed space
With shortened distances brought
life to its cosy ease
The material lust gave cold comfort
and a peevish tongue
No wise than a knave he spoke,
but only passed a sting.
Pray, the acrimonious cult you
speak, reflect a harrowing tale
Better shun your sarcastic, stinging
voice and come your home again
Only the affable ways of life
will help real friendship regain

B L Koul
1/21 Pandoka Colony Paloura

An Ocean of Tears… 

Once a long time ago
An Angel from Heavens
In search of Immortal love
Landed on this planet
Filled with hope and joy
She wandered and wandered
Then fell in love and enjoyed
But…her only light of love
Eclipsed by the darkness of time
Her hidden eyes
In the veil of darkness
Waited all alone
For immortal Love
That perished long ago…
In the pitch black darkness
Of the vanishing Heart
She cried day and night
For ages, many years ago
When the earth was dry
Huge Thunder roars the sky
Her weeping heart
And unlimited sorrow
Flooded lakes and rivers
With infinite tears…
Whenever she loved
Whatever she loved
Perished and vanished
In this mortal world
Her curse of sorrow
Created a sad blue ocean
Salty, disturbed, frozen and dry
An ocean of Tears and Cries…

Shivalik Kalsotra