India, Pak to hold first high level contact of this year today

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Sept 20: In a major initiative to defuse fast escalating tensions along the Line of Control (LoC) in the twin border districts of Poonch and Rajouri, which have claimed several lives of civilians and caused huge devastation of property on both sides, India and Pakistan will, for the first time this year, hold Brigade Commander level talks at cross-LoC point in Chakan-Da-Bagh (CDB) in Poonch district tomorrow.
The meeting scheduled for 11 am tomorrow was expected to discuss and take measures to maintain ceasefire agreement of November 2003 and initiate steps to keep the LoC peace and tranquil as civilians on both the sides were suffering very badly due to unabated shelling and firing in several parts of Poonch and Rajouri districts.
“Apart from maintaining ceasefire agreement, the Indian side will vigorously take up the infiltration attempts by the militants from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) with support of Pakistan Army and give evidence to them. The two sides were expected to take up the issue of ceasefire violations and maintain peace on the LoC,” official sources told the Excelsior.
They said several hotline contacts between the two sides after India lodged protests with Pakistan over repeated ceasefire violations and direct targeting of civilian population in forward areas of the LoC have resulted into tomorrow’s high level contact between the two Armies, which comes a day before the Director Generals of Military Operations (DGMOs) of the two hostile nations were scheduled to speak on hotline.
This is for the first time this year that Brigade Commander level meeting is being held between India and Pakistan on the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir. Significantly, the meeting comes within days of the Director General level talks between BSF and Rangers that lasted four days in New Delhi (September 9-12) and have resulted into complete peace on the International Border (IB) so far.
According to sources, the Indian side has drafted its agenda for tomorrow’s meeting and apart from targeting of civilian areas directly by Pakistan, India will forcefully take up frequent ceasefire violations and facilitation of infiltration attempts from across the LoC into the Indian territory and seek an immediate end to it.
“We are well prepared with our agenda that includes an immediate end to ceasefire violations by Pakistan by strictly adhering to November 2003 ceasefire agreement of India and Pakistan, stop facilitating infiltration attempts and holding regular contacts with each other to resolve the issues, if any,” sources said.
Expressing confidence about success of the talks, which were being held in the aftermath of intense mortar shelling and firing by Pakistan Army on the civilian areas in Poonch and Rajouri districts, sources said India wants peace on the borders but was ready for any eventuality by Pakistan by giving befitting reply to it in case of any fresh violation of ceasefire agreement.
“The civilian casualties are not acceptable. It’s duty of the Army to defend civilians and we will do that,” sources said, adding the Brigade Commander level flag meetings are held very rarely. Generally, the flag meetings are held at the Sector level.
Northern Command spokesman Col SD Goswami said: “India and Pakistan will hold a flag meeting at Brigade Commander level at Chakan-Da-Bagh crossing point in Poonch district on Monday to address the issue of ceasefire violations on the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir.
“The ceasefire violations had escalated in last few days and resulted in large number of civilian casualties and collateral damage to properties. The field commanders from both sides will discuss the modalities to defuse the tense situation”’.
Pakistan army has violated ceasefire over 25 times on the LoC during 20 days of this morning resorting to heavy firing with 120 mm and 82 mm mortars and using heavy fire arms like Heavy Machine Guns (HMGs), Rocket Projectile Guns (RPGs) and other automatic weapons directly targeting civilian population in Balakote, Mendhar, Krishna Ghati, Sabzian, Poonch and Manjakote sectors in Poonch and Rajouri districts.
The civilian population has been badly hit as it was not able to carry out any work on the LoC for the fear of shelling getting resumed anytime. Almost, similar is the position on Pakistan side as Indian Army had to retaliate to the Pakistan firing and shelling effectively to silence their guns and save the civilians on this side.
Six civilians including a Sarpanch and one Lecturer were killed in heavy shelling by Pakistan army in Balakote sector on August 15 and 16. A BSF officer Assistant Sub Inspector Sohan Lal was killed in the shelling at Gambhir, Manjakote in Rajouri district last Sunday. Apart from this, several civilians have been injured and their houses extensively damaged in the shelling. A number of cattle have also perished.