Low cost space access

The proud thing about the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is that it has proved Indian scientists and technocrats are capable of devising indigenous technology for advancement of the country through the medium of science of technology. There was a time when the US and European developed countries, including Soviet Union of those days, refused to give us cryogenic engine that would have advanced our researches into science and technology of producing these sophisticated gadgets for use in space exploration. Our scientists and technocrats successfully manufactured the cryogenic engine and we are now at par with countries that have high-level space research programme underway. Indian Space Research Organization is moving forward with the development of heavy lift launchers and reusable launch vehicles with its focus being the low cost access to space. Addressing the sixth convocation ceremony at Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management, commonly known as GITAM University. Chairman of ISRO said the recent success of the Mars Orbiter Mission was a result of a tremendous team effort and innovative use of limited resources to achieve defined goals. Advances in satellite remote sensing, global navigation satellite systems and geographic information system are now making it easier to integrate ecological, environmental and other information for developing predictive models that can be used in the surveillance and control of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.
ISRO is now concentrating on exploring possibility of cheap access to the space in near future. It is working on how the cost of manufacture of cryogenic engine and other components can be reduced to make human and explorative access to space less expensive. We are confident that given the exceptional talent groomed by the ISRO and other top level technological institutions in the country, this dream can be  converted into reality sooner than later.
ISRO has won many laurels; so have the scientists and technocrats. This is an occasion of pride for the country. The ISRO chief exhorted the young students and researchers to develop the skills of innovation in technology and attune these to the economic needs of our people. Science and technology need to be developed strictly keeping in mind how its impact would be salutary on our nation. It is good that we can send a satellite into the space. That speaks of our ingenuity. Nevertheless, the taste of pudding is in eating. All these innovations should ultimately mean improving life style of our teeming millions. Technology becomes popular and endearing only when oriented to the needs of the people. This is precisely what our Prime Minister is thinking and wants the scientists and technocrats to follow. Our younger generations have bright future; a vast generation of India youth will be coming up with scientific and technocratic aptitude and skills to transform India into a model modern State.