Fill vacant posts in CAPD

Out of a total of 983 posts in the CAPD only 583 post are filled and the remaining 400 posts have been kept vacant. Important posts have been kept vacant and a functionary is put in charge of two or more positions which becomes the source of irregularity in the Department. For example each Tehsil is expected to have a Tehsil Supply Officer. About 114 positions of Tehsil Supply Officers are vacant. Thus a Tehsil Supply Officer is given charge of two or more Tehsils. This is administratively very unhealthy and breeds corruption. Entrenched vested interest has not allowed the Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) meet during the past two years. The result is that the vacant posts of Chief Inspectors, Inspectors, Head Assistants, Tehsil Supply Officers and Supervisors could not be filled till date. In absence of Chief Inspectors and Inspectors etc. the functionaries are free to indulge in whatever practices they intend to unmindful of the bad name that the Department has earned.
We would like to alert the Government about the prevailing situation in the CAPD. What the Government should immediately do to retrieve the situation is that 400 vacancies should be filled immediately. This will be a big step in preventing irregularity and will add to the efficiency of the administration.