Friday, 25th Sept. 2015

Aries : Nourishing high ambitions is a good thing if they can drive you to achieve your potential. You make plans and execute them with utmost care. You may focus all your attention on attracting a member of the other sex. But Ganesha warns you not to get too swayed by it, especially if you are taking crucial decisions.

Taurus : A trip to the mall with your beloved may end with a trunk loaded with shopping bags, suggests Ganesha. Purchase is on the cards and a home or a vehicle may be on your list. Financial gains and family joys will make this day one to remember. The day will end with a feeling of gratitude and satisfaction.

Gemini : You need to understand and respect the feelings of others. You will be beset by financial worries and plagued by financial insecurity. You will work with grim determination to achieve all your goals and will be successful in doing so, says Ganesha.

Cancer : You may face a hurdle, as you tend to intervene in others’ matters. But your tact will save you from any untoward incident. By evening, a good news from your kin or intimate friends will cheer you up.

Leo : When like-minded people come together, a lot of good things happen. And when the group happens to be as trustworthy as it is brilliant, it is sheer magic, says Ganesha. Today, in all probability, you will be at the beneficial end of a luminous meeting of minds. End this fulfilling day on a more personal note by treating your sweetheart to a bit of extravagance. So what if it costs you a small fortune; in love, all is fair!

Virgo : Personal problems which have been simmering for quite a long time may be resolved today. Ganesha advises you to put in that extra bit of effort. You may plan to start a joint venture. In the evening, you can dedicate your time to some much-needed socialising.

Libra : So, love finally entraps you with the help of the stars, chuckles Ganesha. There is a high probability that you will begin a long-lasting romantic relationship today. This new factor shall keep you elated throughout the day. Avoid any confrontation with those living around you. All in all, fortune is on your side today.

Scorpio : Children will be drenched in the rain of love and affection you shower on them, says Ganesha. A special treatment awaits you at work. Your spouse will be a permanent source of happiness and abundance. You shall feels whole and complete in the evening, predicts Ganesha.

Sagittarius : Matters concerning family bonds will keep you occupied for most part today. Be sure to make all your loved ones feel special. Early in the day, those with whom love’s labour has been lost might try to end all connections. Proceed with caution when it comes to children, advises Ganesha. Make sure tension does not escalate within the family.

Capricorn : Keep your fuel tanks ready as you are heading for a very active and exhausting day, today. The long list of activities will keep you occupied for the whole day and you’ll enjoy the energy floating around, says Ganesha. Your career will be on the go, too, especially if you are freelancer. You will end up having projects of your choice.

Aquarius : You can’t tolerate inequality and discrimination. This may cause a furore at your workplace. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, cautions Ganesha. Also, remember that the same principles apply in relationships too. Give importance to what your loved ones have to say.

Pisces : Your family will be the cause of annoyance to you in the morning. However, as the day progresses and you find out just how much of an annoyance the workplace can be, your thinking processes ought to shift right back to your heart. There never was a crusader who set foot upon the holy land as gratefully as you will, when you return home.